A Mother's Day Message

Beloved Kwan Yin

May 10, 1964

Beautiful unfolding flowers in the Cosmic Kingdom, I bring you the love and understanding of my Heart, and I do bless you, each and every one, for the fragrance of Perfection which is emanating from your beings, as you so .sincerely, do employ that glorious agent of Divine Alchemy, the Violet Transmuting Flame for the purification of your own vehicles and for the evolutions of this beloved Earth! 

On this specific day, set aside for the honoring of the Mothers of the race, in and out of embodiment, I add my blessing in gratitude for their service in giving physical garments to the spirits of yet-bound individuals. You each, no matter what form the present garment you are wearing, have had the privilege of motherhood in some embodiment. This, of course, was necessary to balance the two aspects of Deity, the Father-Mother principle. So when I say that I bless the Mothers of the race that includes each and every lifestream who has sojourned, or is using the Earth plane as a habitation at this time. 

With the Feminine Aspect of Divinity playing a prominent part in this particular cycle, one will notice more and more of that gender actively participating in the affairs of State, National, and Planetary. For many years women have rendered tremendous service in National and Community life, but the instances in which this was the case have been in the minority. 

Now, and humbly heed my words, as I say that Beloved Mother Mary has been and is serving specifically the great Feminine Ascendency into 'equality'. You should see the magnificent lifestreams our so gracious Lady is instructing in the Ways of the Kingdom, so that the Divine Principle of Deity may quickly manifest on this plane. Do not, for an instant, think 'oh that day is long hence'. By that very negative vibration do you actually delay the Divine Plan. 

Of course, you know we of the Ascended Host love all the Rays which are part of the Cosmic Spectrum, but I, having preceded our beloved Saint Germain as Chohan of the Seventh Ray, have a specific momentum on the Ray of Transmutation, Mercy and Compassion. HOW I LOVE AND REVERE THAT SACRED FLAME! Were you to see, as we do on this side of the veil distortion of all phases transmuted into Perfection, you would not hold for an instant any ideas of a negative nature! You would employ the Divine Alchemy which is referred to as magic, which indeed it is, but actually that performance is not supernatural - IT IS THE NATURAL WAY OF LIFE. 

If one accepts anything less than Perfection, when the God Power of Transmutation is available in the flick of an instant, there is something of a deterring nature still secretly being 'housed' in one of his lower bodies. When you are firmly convinced of the efficacy of its use and put the same faith in the Violet Fire as you do in an advertisement of the outer world, you will see so-called miracles take place. Some of you have had these manifestations, BUT why accept a single instance and allow other and imperfect outpicturings in your world and that of others! Possibly you have thought that the Goddess of Mercy would speak in a gentler vein! I must stress upon your consciousness that DYNAMIC ACTION is required by all of us as well as the unascended chelas! Clean your houses of the debris which is still stowed away in the corners! You have agreed to the assignment of carrying the Banner of the Ascended Master Saint Germain! To do so effectively, you must be the outpicturing of Perfection in this world of form, not in a halfway measure! And, do not be disconcerted at your present state of affairs, but KNOW that the employment of the Flame of Transmutation - which is free to all who care to accept it, can and will do its perfect work. In some instances the cleaning up process requires the action of a blowtorch. Fine, do you not have to use more of the element of water and other substances to clean up an accumulation of mud which has been allowed to dry and cake into a solid! 

It has been said, and truly, that the first feeling of the Violet Flame when it is called into action is gratitude. Ponder the gratitude of the imprisoned elements of your vehicles when you DECIDE to remove the drab garment of imperfection and permit the Light which is in every cell and atom to blaze forth! When any member or part of your vehicles is injured, oh, how these little beings cooperate to restore the injured flesh. Learn the Law of Obedience from them, so faithfully carried out and relieve them of the weighty garments which have been imposed upon them. 

"I AM' intensely heartened by the purifying process which the chelas have set into motion this past year, and I come not to scold, certainly not, but to spur you on to greater achievement until Perfection does manifest in its fullness. 

You know that your feeling world composes the majority of your life energy and that the essence flowing through is the conductor of whatever quality or gift with which you are blessing life. The emotional, or feeling world, is a Feminine activity, and with the ascendency of that Ray, manifestation can occur with accelerated power. 

I have been associated by many with the Healing Activity. Beloved and good friends, when anything imperfect is changed into Perfection, its original state - that is healing. We know, too, that no healing of a lasting nature can come just through an effort of human will. There is no permanence in that kind of activity. 

Nurture the quality of Compassion, for herein is the POSITIVE approach. Compassion, most certainly not sympathy, which is a negative quality, is requisite to healing. Compassion embodies the Truth that God is the All-Power of the Universe, and holds true to the principle that 'there is no other power that can act'! Call to me, and ask me to clothe you in my feeling of Compassion, and I can assure you that the time and energy invested in acquainting your outer consciousness with the glorious feeling of Compassion will reward you a thousand fold. 

My deep and abiding gratitude, and that of the Violet Flame of Transmutation, Mercy and Compassion to you, each beautiful one, coming into full magnificent flower in the Garden of the Gods, and may you soon know the fragrance which emanates from your beings as the process of unfoldment takes place and which I assure you is taking place more quickly than you realize, and is one of the reasons I have taken this opportunity to spur you on in this Spiritual Process.







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