Christmas Class

Beloved Helios

December 31, 1963

In all the blazing Light of my Being, I AM come this day to bring that Light, Light, LIGHT into this world of form, into that Planet which is called Earth and which must quickly, together with its evolutions experience a tremendous step-up of its vibratory action! 

I bow in deep humility to all life. In particular is my gratitude to you, dear children of THE BRIDGE, those of you who have accepted the privilege which the Suns of the System and of that immediately above us, Beloved Krishna and Sophia, Holy Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus, Beloved Maha Chohan, Serapis Bey, and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy of both Systems. 

Ah, dear children of the One Supreme Source of All, cells in that Omnipotent Center of all creativity, cooperation is a most important factor in all activity. In your own little worlds when you have another life-giving center join with you in a specific project to assist in harmoniously bringing forth that which is desired, the additional energy combined with your own makes the accomplishment more facile. So it is in all creation. Yes, creation, for that is what is taking place at all times, in all activity. One is constantly creating good, to the Glory of the All-encompassing one, or we shall not go into the adverse creation. 

A moment's introspection will show the intelligent chela that the cooperative activity of the Spiritual Brotherhood on this side of the veil brings forth only that which is of good, that is our purpose in being, and were it not so we would not be dwelling in this God-Free Estate. When you consciously, lovingly and harmoniously dedicate your energies to a specific cooperative activity with us, the desired result is not only easier to manifest, but the accomplishment takes place in a shorter period of what you call 'time'. 

Blessed ones, you, in the majority, do not yet grasp the specific service in which you have chosen to engage with us in channeling the Light from the Planet Venus into the Earth plane. This most definitely is not an activity which has been presented to you for your own spiritual advancement alone. We are in a crucial period in the Earth's evolution, and it is hoped that you will take time to contemplate that which you have pledged to do to assist in this accelerated activity. It is expedient that you contemplate, seriously, the vow which you have made with your hearts. 

I AM hoping that the vibratory action, as I blaze the Light of my being into your vehicles will prove to be the stimulus required to stir you on to greater accomplishment. Of course it wills your hearts are blessed beyond worded description; note I say your hearts. Since the heart center is the specific dwelling place of the Christ Self, who has not, in the greater number of instances, been permitted to take over your entire vehicles. Why not change that situation RIGHT NOW! You can, if you will cooperate in the exercise which I now bring to you. Joining, most enthusiastically, in this is the Beloved Lord Raphael, Archangel of Consecration.

Now, let go of all tenseness in your beings - that is of the outer self and is not of the Christ. BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT 'I AM' GOD - repeat silently, with deep feeling and slowly, after me - 

'I AM' that 'I AM'

'I AM' that 'I AM'

'I AM' that 'I AM'

There is no other power that can act;

'I AM' God in action everywhere! 

Feel with all the love of your beings, that which you have affirmed. In this God receptive state, feel the radiation and love of Lord Raphael as he now anoints your vehicles with the concentrated Power of Consecration which is his to dispense and which he so lovingly brings to you. 

I, Raphael, do now anoint your lower vehicles with the sacred essence of consecration. That Light Essence does now flow through your emotional, mental, etheric and physical vehicles. Kneel within your hearts, oh children of the One Father of us all, and surrender 'self' to the Christ. Know that you are that Christ in action everywhere, in all your activities from this moment hence forth. I do now; in the name of Almighty God 'baptize' you with the Flame of Consecration, ever flowing through you for all Eternity. SO BE IT! 


Ah, dear children, viewing with the expanded sight which it is my privilege to use, you will be pleased as I say that since we began this cooperative activity at the beginning of this Release, your vehicles have been emitting a tremendously accelerated amount of Light. As I bow to the Christ within each of you, I say in deep gratitude, your Light has increased one-hundred fold - yes, children, it is twice as great as when we commenced this service. Keep that Light blazing, blazing and BLAZING and blessing all life on this dear Planet Earth, and know that this Light will not recede. We of the Spiritual Hierarchy will be in constant attendance to assist you. Should some unredeemed karma try to intrude, REMEMBER ALWAYS, the Sacred Fire of Transmutation, and the Violet Fire of Mercy, whose action is instantaneous - according to your acceptance! 

RELAX, children, as we discourse further. 

I have what might be termed an 'advantage' over some of my beloved compatriots in service, in that the Light of the Sun is welcome to the hearts of men, and when they joyously accept in the outer sense the radiation of my Being, a wonderful opportunity is available to me to blaze the Light of my Being into their inner bodies. You, dear chelas, knowing that the visible Sun is the radiation of my Being and that of my Beloved Vesta can avail yourselves of this Spiritual Essence and experience an ever-expanding acceleration of the Radiation and Light of your own beings. 

Every cause has an effect, even as my Radiation turns shadows into Light and now upon a little introspection you can surely realize that if you invite the Light of the Father, of which I AM One of the many Dispensers of that Blessing, into your beings that which is of shadow will disappear. You do not require a detailed description to know or be convinced that as the Sun shines in the morning and man gives his attention to that Sun in the happiness which he experiences is an expanded activity of Light. Few there are who do not welcome the sunlight. 

Think on this Golden Radiation - free to all who will accept it. Gold in all forms has been sought after since the beginning of time. Were it not for the greed in the hearts of men, much of this precious essence, and the actual metal (ore) would be readily available at all times for constructive use. So it is in things Spiritual! 

I counsel you, if you wish to move steadily forward on the Path in an accelerated manner, accept the Light which I bring. As you witness the Light of the Sun, ask that it be accepted in the hearts of your fellowman as well as your own selves. This will be of tremendous assistance to the Spiritual Hierarchy in the redemptive process which is taking place on this Earth Planet! 

You have been apprised that the Beloved and Holy Sanat Kumara has graciously offered to place his Star in your auras, and those who have accepted and actually received this Sacred Blessing must keep that Star nourished by your reverence and the drawing of Light into that Sacred Focus. Remember, to keep anything or any activity alive, one must feed it with the loving attention of their beings. This is a simple acknowledged fact. So nourish that Star with all the love of your beings. This is Beloved Sanat Kumara’s gift to you, but it is not his responsibility to keep that blessing alive within your beings, that is yours and one which you must remember to be the recipients of the sustained blessing and privilege of channeling the Light from Venus into the Earth. 

I suggest that you often, in consciousness, visit the Retreat at Yucatan where there is a gathered momentum of the Light of the Sun. Beloved Kenich Ahan will always welcome a visit from you and will assign a Brother or Sister of his Brotherhood of the Sun to instruct you in the spiritual advantages of drawing the Light of the Sun into your beings. To cooperate with the release of the Light from Venus, those of us assigned to the Earth, and that includes you, dear chelas in physical embodiment, must also be willing to draw the Light of the Sun to blend with that of Venus, else the Sacred Essence flowing from the Planet Venus would not find fertile ground and would be dissipated and not wax strong. Ah, you say - one would not think the Light from Venus could be dissipated! By this I mean that the Light could not do its intended work and would not have the concentrated power as when blended with other specifically directed Foci of Light. If you have one lamp turned on in a room, and then turn the switch for another, is there not a greater amount of light! Elementary! 

I AM invoking the Sun behind the Sun to keep the Retreat at Yucatan open to the chelas of The Bridge throughout the entire twelve month period of Nineteen Hundred Sixty-four, for assistance in the expansion of Light to the Earth and her evolutions. Please do be reverently silent in all your vehicles for a moment (silence)... a blazing Light is approaching and I must defer to that Concentrated Focus in all humility. 

A Messenger, a Being of indescribable magnificence has approached. We have acknowledged and bowed to the Light of the Father-Mother God in our hearts, our very Beings, and this mighty One has brought me a message from the Sun behind the Sun... THE RETREAT AT YUCATAN WILL BE OPEN FOR THE TWELVE MONTH PERIOD IN THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED SIXTY-FOUR, AS WILL THE RETREAT OF THE BELOVED MAHA CHOHAN AT CEYLON, for the admission and illumination of the chelas of THE BRIDGE! I bow in humility, as I repeat - truly does the CALL COMPEL THE ANSWER! 

Witness, dear children, one never knows when the call is made that the answer is ready and waiting to be lowered from an Octave greater than that in which we have the privilege of dwelling - waiting, oh yes, waiting for the invocation to the Cosmic Law for the manifestation to take place. 

My Heart is so filled with love and gratitude that I now enfold you in that feeling which shall become a permanent part of your beings. My gratitude to the Sun behind the Sun, to Beloved Maha Chohan, Kenich Ahan, and to you for your willingness to cooperate in this great expansion of Light which is even now taking place!





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