The Receptivity of Man's Consciousness

Beloved El  Morya

The minds of man are like stringed instruments open for the most part to whatever influence chooses to vibrate upon the string. From the inner standpoint, it is tragic that the natural protection (provided that the naked receiving vehicle might be closed against destructive vibrations) has been destroyed by man's own doing. 

Man is a prey to any number of vicious and depraved forces that utilize the sensitive structure of his brain to play upon, thus grinding into the world of form the diabolical plans and schemes that these forces desire to fulfill. If the unseen forces behind such destructive activities were not permitted any longer to attach themselves to those weak individuals who allow themselves to be used as their pawns, their work would of a necessity be a failure. 

There is a natural law governing the physical material world by which energy becomes crystallized into matter only through the brain and body consciousness of a physical being who has yet a body of flesh. All law works both ways. We can only assist mankind through the cooperation and obedience of such humanity as will offer their brains and bodies to us that we may pour our ideas and inspiration and Divine Plans through. So also do the vicious forces of disembodied entities act. The Black Magicians have been removed from the Earth, but their 'Claws and Emissaries', which mean all people who have, through long centuries of destructive activities, broken down their natural protection against such forces riding into their worlds, are still at large. Here we require assistance from you who know this Law. Call that all rates of vibration that tie unfortunate individuals to such activities be quickened to a point where they are set free. When there are no more 'receivers' the 'feeders' will be helpless. 

Thus, all who you can garner to be 'receivers' of our Forces, Inspiration, Activities and Dispensers of our Divine Plan and Energy, and all who you can free from accepting depraved suggestions, will be that much more done in bringing the Golden Age to fruition more quickly!






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