Christmas Class

Beloved Jesus

December 29, 1963

In the Spirit of Christmas which embodies Divine Love, Peace, Happiness and Unity, I come to enfold you in the Blessings of the Spiritual Hierarchy. 

This is a time of great holiness and rejoicing in the hearts of men, but the true awareness of this Season is lost in the hustle and bustle of 'things', procuring gifts of the outer world, for one's relatives and friends. All very well this gift giving but, my dear friends, if the time consumed in this venture were devoted to giving of the Spirit then much of the chaos and unhappiness in this world of form would be avoided. 

As the Holy Season approached, in the outer world for the most part, there was much turmoil and feelings ran rampant in accomplishing that which individuals thought so important. If you could witness what takes place in the crowded emporiums where the so-called gifts were alluringly displayed to attract purchasers, you would never again subject your vehicles to such vibrations! I do not bring this to your attention to alarm you, but to caution you - in the future, in any buying that you do at change of seasons and other times, endeavor to do so when the stores are not at their peak rush hours, and save yourselves from much that would desire to 'attach' itself to you of an unpleasant nature. Probably you think it wise at times to be in these locations pouring forth your Light and using the Power of Transmutation. This is good, should one find themselves at such a place or be instructed specifically to go there, but in the quietude of your homes, in the forcefield of your own aura which you have built at a given point, you can project your Light and blaze the Flame of whatever Cosmic Quality with which you wish to bless mankind and the Planet itself, without transporting the physical vehicle thereto! 

I do not in any way wish to imply that you should avoid contact with other lifestreams - not at all, but you should, in the wisdom which you should have developed after years of teaching by the Spiritual Hierarchy, use great discretion in exposing your now more finely developed vehicles to the masses. Witness our great and mighty Helios, does not his Light enrich and assist in the sustenance of this dear Earth and her evolutions without actually being on the physical Earth! Most certainly! 

I trust, my dear children, I do not disappoint you that I have come as a Counselor, and in not bringing a beautifully graphic message of the Holy Season. Am I not a World Teacher? It is my responsibility under Cosmic Law to instruct you so that you may proceed in your capacity as Teachers of man while yet in a physical garment. 

Yes, the Christmas Season is truly awe inspiring and I AM grateful to those lifestreams who have perpetuated the anniversary of my birth on Earth through the pageantry which has ensued and the opportunity which this affords the Beings on High and the Angelic Host particularly to render great Service while for a brief time men's hearts do contemplate, in the majority, the awesome event of the birth of the Christus. Children of the Father, the time has now come when the birth of the Christus should be experienced in the hearts of embodied men throughout the entire Planet, and not just those who are sincerely endeavoring to follow the Way of Truth and Enlightenment. 

We, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, although to all intents and purposes after a sojourn, so to speak, at Shamballa for a Spiritual vacation, are always 'about the Father's Business' and as we convene at the Rocky Mountain Retreat in the glorious Tetons, we expand and expend our Light in the designing and setting into motion Divine Ideas which will more quickly raise the vibratory action of this Earth and her evolutions, awakening men to the fact that they have an honored guest dwelling within their very beings. 

One, who has been apprised of the arrival of a guest, greets that one lovingly and enthusiastically, extending them every courtesy. Realize, oh realize, that you have a Cosmic guest who is dwelling in your hearts at all times. Please do that Holy Christ Self the honor of communing with it and invite it to out-picture its purpose of being the Son of God in your world and bring forth the Truth that all men are 'the begotten Son of God'. The statement of 'the ONLY begotten Son' is a fallacy and is a product of orthodoxy. 'Son of God' was used to identify my life-stream, but you are all Sons or Daughters of God, the Son, or Sun, being used to depict the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. This Trinity will one day become a Reality for you - this is Divine Edict - the White Fire Being, the Electronic Presence and the Holy Christ Self dwelling as ONE in the Realms of Eternal Freedom, a purified Cell in the Body of the Father-Mother God, magnifying the Lord! 

Oh, I have much to say to you, dear friends of my Heart, and I ask your indulgence in listening a while longer to what I have to say. THE CHRISTIAN DISPENSATION HAS ENDED, as orthodoxy presents it. We are now in the ERA OF SPIRITUAL FREEDOM, under the direction of our King, the Ascended Master Saint Germain. Please bear this in mind and heart. You are obliged, if you are to march under the banner of our Beloved One, to outpicture and bring to those not yet apprised, the meaning and purpose of the Seventh Ray. Who is going to do this, if not those whom we have lovingly and patiently been instructing, praying for and cajoling that they would grasp the true meaning and the privilege which is theirs in being included in the instruction which comes to the Planet Earth, through Grace, to you each one. 

Dearly beloved, this is not a scolding but an admonition as to the purpose of the hour. The Year of Nineteen Hundred Sixty-Four is one of great importance spiritually, and wise is he who lists to what we have to say, and hearing, ACTS! 

The Light is increasing in great intensity and upon your application and acceptance depends the carrying out of the vow which you have taken at inner levels to bring in that Light as of a Thousand Suns, of which you have heard these many years! This is not an accomplishment of a moment, or a year, it is the steady, rhythmic drawing of that Light into the Planet Earth so that it may never recede and the Earth and her evolutions shall fulfill their Divine Destiny. Be ever grateful that through the Mercy of the Cosmic Law this Light is dispensed in rhythmic intensity and not in an onrush too great for the vehicles of man. 

It is up to you, each dear chela, to realize the importance of what I AM imparting to you. You are the Grails through whom the Light is flowing to raise the vibratory action of the Earth. Can we depend on you to keep the chalices of your consciousness uplifted to receive the manna which shall feed all men unto the hour? I most sincerely pray that this will be so. 

My Holy Mother Mary joins me in enfolding you in the true Spirit of Christmas and the sustained Peace which is ours, attained through conscious dedication and endeavor while we dwelt in the world of form, and which can also be yours through application and acceptance (faith) in the Truth of which we speak. 

I AM always your Friend and Teacher, awaiting your bidding to further instruct you, which I shall lovingly consider a privilege in the name of the Father of us ALL! 





Thou Holy Christ Flame within my heart,

Help me to manifest all thou art:

Teach me to see thyself in all;

Help me to show men how to call


'Til Earth's great Victory is won!

'I AM' we love thee - thou art our all

'I AM' we love thee - HEAR OUR CALL! 

I hear thy call, my children dear;

'I AM' thy heart, so never fear;

'I AM' thy mind, thy body too,

'I AM, in every cell of you;

'I AM' thy earth, and sea, and sky,

And not one soul shall I pass by.

'I AM' in thee; thou art in me;

'AM!', 'I AM!' Earth's Victory!






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