by the Ascended Master Lanto

Under the Directing Love, Intelligence, and Power of the Great Presence of Life, and the Wisdom of the Masters and Love of the Cosmic Beings, my Love surges forth and enfolds each of you. Will you accept, feel, and consciously direct its Presence, Power, and Authority; and by doing this, may you become ONE HEARTBEAT, one giant Flame and a Pillar of Light blessing all humanity until your Light enfolds this entire Solar System. 

When picturing the Solar System or seeing it from an Inner level, it will appear as one brilliant mass of Light in a constant pulsation, emanating spirals of Light of various intensities, always in perfect harmony. This is also what must be seen in each Group; perfect Harmony - One Giant Heartbeat! This must be your goal, not only to increase your own intensity as a point of Light, but the intensity o f Light of every living thing about you. 

You have within your power and reach the ability to completely change the pattern of a group, a planet, a Solar System, a Galaxy or even a Universe: It is not the ability or lack of ability, but rather your recognition and acceptance of your ability: If you accept your ability as it really is, UNLIMITED and a part of your Divine Plan and a natural part in your everyday activities; then your expansion will begin and continue and never stop. Once you can rea1ize how unlimited you really are, and that it is your obligation to express the PERFECTION OF GOD, that is when the Balancing Activity of Life fully begins, and your expansion as a point of Light; your Divine Plan then unfolds and your Freedom is before you. 

The need of the moment is to RAISE YOURSELF to the point where other individuals about you CAN ACTUALLY SEE AND FEEL WHAT YOU ARE INWARDLY DOING: Do you see why it is necessary to become ONE with GOD as quickly as possible? 

We want you to claim nothing. That you do or what you have done MUST NOT BE EXPRESSED BY YOU! It must be recognized by the Flame within the Hearts of other individuals: It is not necessary to go forth into the outside world and tell what you can do. Those who are ready to know will recognize the God Light of the "I AM" radiating and accept it for what it really is and will not misqualify it. It is impossible to misqualify a Divine Law; yet that is what individuals attempt to do when they say they can accomplish something without God or God's help. They are saying they have the power to overrule Divine Law: 

This is a Pattern that many have created and those who do not have their guard about them as strong as it should be, ofttimes fall into the same Pattern. That is why we are urging you to go forth individually and surround yourself and your own God Perfection with the Light of your "I AM" PRESENCE, thereby insulating yourself from the outside world. 

All can never be lost in an individual who gives up this Activity and chooses to join the outer, once more. The Light which was emanated while serving the Light is always present and will at one time be CALLED FORTH and returned to that student to again illumine him. Those, who have for one reason or another left this Activity, will at some time be recalled; whether or not they will answer this call, is completely up to their own free Will. 

Even the Light which was sent forth by students, centuries ago, will be returned to them; and there will be a great recalling worldwide. There will be more awakenings and more illuminations than ever before. All students who at one time followed the Light and for some reason desired to forget it, their Divine Plan is still present and emanates the great Love and Blessing which they once experienced and desired for others. All of these students will have one more chance to, shall we say, re-begin their application and be a student of this great work.

If you accept this Light and its Divine Laws, only Perfection may be the result, and your protection will be against all things of the outer; nothing may touch whatever is necessary to be balanced. 

These great Laws and this Activity are now dependent upon students such as YOU! This Light must be firmly anchored in the Earth itself, and the only way the first phase of this may be accomplished is through students such as you. You must reach a point where you have absolutely no human tendencies and will speak only the Truth. There is so much that you must study and prove to yourself, that actually all I can tell you is how to do it; AGAIN APPLICATION! The rest is at your conscious command. 

The Light of your own "I AM" PRESENCE is constantly present to call forth at any time during these next few months. It will be very rugged, as you say, if you are not properly protected and apply the proper Laws to dissolve the seeming dangers. 

You must constantly realize that you are protected by the Light of your own "I AM" Presence, which is INFALLIBLE, thereby making you INFALLIBLE: It is so simple that many times the complex system of the outer hides it from view; this is all that happens it is hidden from view. In reality, it is only recognition and acceptance through the outer which many times means the Freedom of the student when he fully accepts the Perfection of God who created him. It is his protection and is infallible. The only possible conclusion then is that YOU are also infallible and the point of Light which must be expanded, expanded thru acceptance and application of Divine Law in Service to God. 

This may all seem quite elementary, but it is a necessity and unless followed and properly applied, you may also join the other unfortunate individuals who have chosen to live their lives without God or without his help. Students many times ask why so many of the Addresses have repetition. Each time certain Vibrations are sent forth in an Address, or each time a Law, a sentence or statement is stressed, that Vibration is more firmly anchored in the Earth where it continues to vibrate until it reaches more of blessed humanity. Many times YOU are only the channel, the anchor through which it is sent to continue to vibrate. 

Through the Divine Law and Life of God, the GREAT "I AM" PRESENCE, my Light enfolds you; my Perfection and self-attained Mastery blesses you. 




THE MAHA CHOHAN SAYS: "To change the consciousness of mankind, we must utilize the Sacred Fire. This Sacred Fire can be drawn by any individual through the entire number belonging to this evolutionary system without the outer intellect of any lifestream being aware of the service rendered."






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