June 10th, 1962

It is with great joy, pleasure and a great deal of Love that I come to you on my Feast Day. It is the Day dedicated to my Office and the Visitation through that Office of my Presence in answer to the invocation of the Master Jesus for the descent and appearance within his disciples of a Comforting and zealous Power whose infusion into their natures was to raise and exalt them above men and enable them in the Name of the Master to perform miraculous works. This was to set aside known vibration and allow the Grace and Mercy of a new and foreign world to become manifest in the material forms which men have taken to be reality. 

With the entrance of the Holy Spirit into the life of man, miracle-working power not only abides within him, but becomes a ceaseless fount of mysterious and potent forces which cannot be denied expression and VICTORY wherever they are called to transmute appearances. The intervention of the Godhead on behalf of Life is above Law; that is above the Law of the octave in which it acts, although a part of the Cosmic Law created Mercy before time was. It is the Office of the Holy Spirit to bring this transcendent Law, with its Gifts in freeing Life from shackles of limitation and distress. 

And so, cosmically speaking, the prayers and invocations that go forth on this day of Pentecost from mankind, are a thousand times more potent, because, of the entire calendar year, THIS IS THE DAY OF GRACE when petitions - personal and Cosmic - are granted without question: Therefore, before this Day arrives, each of you write a petition and put it on your Altar, and as my service, this shall be my Gift to you, my friends, each one!


BELOVED CONFUCIUS SAYS: "It is a Cosmic Fiat that consecutive memory now be established through the outer brain consciousness of all conscious chelas, and later through the 10 billion evolving on the Earth. The purity of the outer consciousness, the cleansing of the etheric bodies of all imperfect memories, the restoration of emotional balance and mental stability, is requisite before such a gift can be given. Those with embittered memories in their etheric bodies could not have revealed to them their entire life-record, for it would only build further discords in the soul. We are grateful for your assistance in helping to purify the four lower bodies of yourselves and all mankind. 

"Then, shall you remember ONLY THE GLORIES YOU KNEW WITH THE FATHER BEFORE THE WORLD WAS, and only the Divine Tenets of the Cosmic Law as presented to you by your Teachers, and THIS MEMORY - reactivated - shall enable you to experience self Mastery and God Freedom!"





March 12th, 1962

Beloved Bridge Students: 

Realizing your intense desire to serve the Light and free humanity, we present you with this New Outline to be used in your classes. Before reading this Outline allow me to make an introduction to it: 

BALANCE, beloved ones, is the ONE activity I want you to hold in your conscious thoughts at all times. You see it has been made possible now, with the energy released through your decrees, for us to move into definite action to firmly anchor Saint Germain's Freedom Flame in the Heart of every individual! 

The Balance required for the mass of mankind to make their Ascension is rapidly approaching. This explains why the decrees you will find in this Outline do not seem as forceful or dynamic as the ones you are accustomed to using. 

You must move forth now, clothed in the GREAT, GREAT SILENCE for this is the balancing activity for this NEW VIBRATION: SILENCE!   SILENCE!          SILENCE! 

The Ascended Master El Morya





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