by the Ascended Master Lanto

The focusing of tremendous currents of Light into the atmosphere of the physical substance of the Earth is accomplished by the projection of the Spiritual Currents from the Octaves of Light, and the anchoring of those Currents into the structure of the Earth by Voluntary Conductors among the world of men. At these points where the Light Rays are drawn and condensed, they become magnetic fields of Spiritual influence which radiate force from every Heart Center, rendering specific service in raising, transmuting and purifying the Earth and Its inhabitants. 

If you were to gaze upon the map at the Rocky mountain Retreat upon which every ancient Retreat and Sanctuary is marked, you would find that the design is geometrically perfect, both as to the scale of miles between centers and occult symbolism. These great Retreats that have been established for thousands of years are not only places of training for evolving mankind, and places of storage for the wealth of the world, but living, breathing spiritual centers that act as fountains or vortices of force, to dissipate the evils of man's thinking, and raise the mass consciousness. 

Wherever such a Spiritual Center has been established, or numbers of people have gathered together and drawn Spiritual Force, you will find the substance of the Earth has responded by large deposits of gold and precious jewels, for the Forces of the Elements are most grateful and responsive to this great outpouring of Spiritual Force. 

Such a Retreat is the Rocky Mountain Retreat which we honor at this time, established for thousands of years as a center of Spiritual Radiance for the entire Western Hemisphere. 

Under this New Activity, the foci of Light drawn by unascended beings as Forcefields on the Earth are as accurately distributed and render the same service in a cruder manner as the Spiritual Hierarchy render in the Divine Retreats. There is no such thing as a "happenstance" group, or an accidental gathering together of the students. Each conscious conductor of Electronic Energy from the Godhead and the particular Ascended Master Whom each one represents at Inner Levels, becomes like a pipe line through which the greater Spiritual Forces are anchored in that locality. May the students become cognizant of their opportunity to BE "The Light of God that Never Fails" to all succeeding generations.



Long before my own Ascension I had read of Aladdin's Lamp and the capacity to rub upon it and then to secure that which one desires. When I first found that the true Lamp of Precipitation was right here in the United States of America and that I had the opportunity to give it my Love, my gratitude knew no bounds! Being of an Oriental background, my one desire was to GIVE to the Precipitating Flame my Love, tend the Altar, bless it and just love it for itself. I never thought to ask for that Precipitating Flame to act through me, to make me a Precipitating Power for Good in my own World. My love was so deep for just the honor of loving it and guarding it. Then Beloved Lanto taught me that I must BE the Precipitating Flame in action in the world of form, and I completed my course in the Orient and left those few humble sayings which are merely a part of the Law which I learned at Lanto's feet, the far greater part of that literature is yet held by Lord Himalaya. 

I can say to you, beloved chelas, in loving it and adoring it and giving it your breath and your light, in turn you BECOME a Precipitating Presence of whatever God-virtue your own "I AM" Presence and Holy Christ Flame desires to express through you. 

Come often to this Retreat and stay as long as you desire, and know that you shall always be wel­come not only during this particular thirty-day period but throughout the entire year, to come into Our Presence and to love Our Flame, and to love all of those who have helped to sustain the Precipitation Flame to this day.






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