Beloved Immaculata

Tetons, July 1954

I am the planetary Silent Watcher, sent forth from the great Cosmic Silent Watcher, carrying the design for the Earth within my living breathing Being, and the Divine Presence of every lifestream sent forth by Helios and Vesta. 

I am that Being who has held within my bosom and consciousness and very Life, the living, breathing Presence of every Guardian Spirit who responded to the call of Helios and Vesta and chose to become part of the protection of the evolutions on this Earth. You are part of my body, part of the essence of my being, and your every breath, every pulsation that passes through the energy of your self-conscious being, passes through the energies of my body and my life. So truly, I know you well. 

When Helios and Vesta chose to apply for the opportunity of creating a universe, they expanded out from their Being, a great sphere of influence; the periphery of that sphere was the periphery of the Universe, within which the planets, the stars and all belonging to that Universe would abide. 

In the fiat of "Let there be Light," they spun out of their very selves that Universal Substance from which the Elohim created the planets, and from whence has come into being all form. As each planet of the system was destined to be breathed forth, from the heart of the Cosmic Silent Watcher, the Planetary Silent Watchers were sent forth. We in turn, embodied just one planet, taking upon ourselves the responsibility of holding the Immaculate Concept for that planet; the rivers, the oceans, the mountains, the vast plains, and making available to the Elohim and Builders of Form that pattern which they then wove out of the universal light-body of Helios and Vesta. 

The first activity of the planetary Silent Watcher is to expand the Causal Body which becomes the cradle in which the planet will rest and the seven great spheres on the bands of color of our Causal Body into which the Guardian Spirits, the Angels and Devas come, creating the Seven Heavenly Realms of consciousness for the evolutions that will evolve on each planet. 

Out of the substance and energy of the colors of Causal Bodies are woven the temples, the very atmosphere of these Inner Spheres. Out of the substance of that Body is woven the elements for your Earth! Out of the substance of the Causal Body of the planetary Silent Watcher is woven the garments, the Seven Vehicles which every lifestream wears. So do you see how truly ONE we are and how the energy of your inner bodies and your flesh are a part of the living essence of my very Beings! 

The Design and Purpose of your Being 

The design and purpose for your being as individuals is to create through the primal essence of light entrusted to you, a duplication of the majestic perfection of your own Causal Body in this world of form. Your present auras, made up of the release of energy through your mental and feeling worlds, the etheric body and physical form, are not yet the proper conductors for the powers of your Causal Body which you offered before the Karmic Board and to the Manu of the race to which you belong, as your gift of radiation in this physical appearance world. 

Each of you were chosen after you had passed through the Seven Inner Spheres because you had gathered into your own Causal Body through free-will choice, certain momentums of peace, beauty, harmony, healing and many gifts and powers that could be used to externalize the divine plan to bless the evolutions upon the Earth at any given time. 

You must learn to become still 

It is the requirement that some means be devised by which you first may become STILL and in enough command of the energies of your own world to silence the violent pulsations in your aura, and then to consciously create through your mental body an accurate vehicle of reception to the divine ideas of your Presence. 

Your emotional world must become your servant and not your master. You must allow the Presence of God within you enough control so that when you say, "Peace be Still," the energies of your emotional body become the Grail through which the gifts of the Causal Body may be conducted into the worlds of those in distress, bringing harmony, healing, illumination or peace, or whatever the requirement of the given hour may be. 

The great sea of energy concentrated in the etheric body (wherein is the greatest test for the student) must be purified so that you, abiding within that Sacred Presence of God within the hearts they no longer accept the many voices, the etheric rumblings of the centuries past; the half truths and concepts and pressures that would exalt the self. That etheric body must be purified of all such nefarious endeavors that would lead the lifestream astray from the path of humility. Then can be revivified and sent forth at your command the divine memory, with all the magnificent powers and accomplishments that you wielded as Guardian Spirits on your own Suns and Stars; the memories of your inner activities in the Seven Spheres, and the remembrance of your contact with your Master while your body sleeps at night. 

Only he who has learned the way of the SILENCE, only he who has learned the mastery of the energy which flows in such magnificent opulence from the Heart of the First Cause into these vehicles of yours, only he becomes the conductor of the gifts of God into the world of man! Energy is the conductor! Energy and vibration, which is LIFE, is that which carries either peace, love and perfection, or discord and inharmony into the world of form! 

You, who have professed a deep devotion to God, who have come to a feeling of reverence before Life itself, and a feeling of humility in the use of Life, have come far! You, who have started each day in the great surrender of self, and kneeling before your Source asked what purpose and design your God would choose to manifest through you each day, you are upon the Path, and sooner or later, according to your capacity to relinquish the control of your energies to the Presence of God that is waiting, shall you know your reason for being; and the magnificent light from your Presence surging through the sea of your feeling world, transform conditions instantly BRINGING HARMONY, HEALING, MASTERY AND  COMFORT to the Universe! 

The use of Life, the purpose for which you were created and have been sustained for millions of years, becomes the prime quest of the individual loti consciousness that is sincere! The use of the gifts and talents, the use of the momentums you have gained, the use of the substance loaned to you, these all should be the quest of your conscious self. Then the intellect no longer directs but the Presence of God which has magnetized that Life and sustained It that you might have self-conscious intelligence, and give to it now the courtesy and honor of using that Life to widen the borders of the Kingdoms! 

The Use of Speech 

How much of that Life has passed through your lips in dissipation, in gossip, in unkindness that has done harm to others? The word, the use of speech was given to each self-conscious being to create a Cup, to invoke Elemental Life to fill it with feeling and to manifest a thing of beauty that has reason to exist forever! The power of speech, the lips themselves, are only to create THAT which is in accord with the harmony and beauty of life, and many a man that is dumb today, suffers for the prolific use of life through careless and unkind words: 

How many words you speak each day would you care to see condensed in your aura so that every man that looked upon you could gaze upon them? How many words, that you speak would you wish to have immortalized as a part of the heritage of your life with your name written across it? Yet this psychic and astral realm is filled with forms created by such words! 

The tongue used as the lash, the tongue used as the instrument of self-righteous indignation! The tongue used to plant cores of poison that grow a harvest in another consciousness and mind that would be totally unaware of such imperfection did not the contributing factor of the energies of your own lips and tongue choose to conduct what you felt into the world of another. 


Speech, the use of the energy of life in the creation of form, will only be understood when the Law allows us to materialize before you, words which slip so carelessly from your lips! 

Every word that a Master speaks, every word that passes from their lips becomes an Angelic Being, ensouled immediately by conscious life in winged form, adding to the great legions of Angels and elementals, clothed in garments of Light, moving everywhere through the universal. Can as much be said of man! 

I am the heart of the Silence, and you who enjoy he blending of your energies in magnificent decrees, you will see manifestations when you recede your application by entering the Throne Room of your own being, standing before the Presence of your living God, becoming one with it, then in the center of that Being, using the breath of life charged with the consciousness of the God-self and directing those energies in that balance--manifestations will occur! 

That which you receive must be given 

You have your extremes, those lifestreams who enjoy the peace of the Silence and the comfort of drawing the power and activities of the Causal Body but who do not remember the rhythm of life - that which you receive must be given, because it is only in the rhythm o the drawing, the assimilation and the expansion of the energies, that the spirit grows. 

Then you have the extremes of the beloved life-streams whose energies and vital fire are interested primarily in giving, and who rush with all the powers that they have gathered in the inner bodies, into the application, forgetting first the stillness and the receiving! 

It is to draw these two extremes together that we come - that you may learn that even the Master, even myself as planetary Silent Watcher, first anchor in the Presence of God and draw the energy, and then expands it in service! 

Those who have drawn knowledge all through the ages, the great priesthood and individuals whose mental bodies have become a magnet and have drawn mighty momentums of knowledge and then through greed contracted that knowledge and held it within themselves, holding the peoples through fear and superstition, those have suffered because they have not manifested the rhythm of Life! Knowledge received and NOT USED had better never been invoked and drawn into the consciousness! 

Those who have drawn healing powers through the ages, who have become master of the power of the Sacred Fire, and who have commercialized those healing powers for the sustaining of self and not expanded them freely as the gift of Life, they have not learned the mastery of that rhythm! 

Those whose energies through the ages have been engaged in drawing substance, creating form, accumulating great wealth and who hold that within themselves for the blessing and satisfaction of self, know not the rhythm of giving, and some time, somewhere must meet that balance! 

You have used the magnetic power of Life, itself and have invoked faith, knowledge, power or substance and Life has been given to you qualified according to that upon which your attention rested, in order to do one thing only - expand the borders of the Kingdoms! 

Those of you who in your Causal Body have these mighty storehouses that await externalization through your calm feeling world, those of you shall render an accounting if the energies of your world are not stilled enough chat you may conduct them now, for it is the hour of crisis; it is the hour when mankind must have the assistance of conscious conductors, and YOU have been chosen to be those conductors! 

Why do I live? Only that you might have being in my Causal Body; only that all of elemental life, human life and Angelic life might have a ladder of evolution through the Seven Spheres, when you live for like reason, you will know Peace! 

Evolution of a Silent Watcher 

Briefly, I would like to say that the evolution which ultimately results in opportunity to become a Silent Watcher starts with the tiny elemental who trained in the Nature Kingdom under the direction of the Beloved Mary, Holy Mother of Beloved Jesus. 

In these magnificent Kingdoms tiny elementals are trained to embody a form under the supervision of Builders of Form. They gather together and the Builder of Form creates out of his own Light Body a beautiful flower or some design which is the lesson of the day. All the little elementals whose nature it is (like your own etheric bodies) to mirror that which they look upon, immediately take on the form of the flower. This is simple, but when the Builder of Form has transferred the form of the flower to the elementals, he relinquishes the form and assumes his own form as Teacher. 

Then the elemental is required to concentrate upon holding the pattern which is the lesson of the day. Many of them as soon as the Builder of Form returns into his magnificent robes, immediately turn into little Builders of Form themselves and mirror instantly any change in the Teacher. 

They are patiently trained and this goes on age after age until they are able to retain the form which the Builder of Form gives them independently, and they stay an apple blossom or a lovely peach, or whatever it may be, for the duration of the class. When they become such masters, tiny little beings mind, they are ready to go forth and try to become part of Amaryllis' great court and bring beauty into the world of form. This is how the Silent Watcher's training begins. 

Then they come and create in some beautiful garden under a Nature Deva a rose, pansy, a beautiful lily. They graduate up the ladder of evolution and become, perhaps, a Nature Deva of a garden. Then they are assigned, perhaps, to a Silent Watcher of a great hospital, drawing healing currents into themselves and projecting them down in the radiation which is the blessing to the people. 

They graduate into greater service and become Devas like the Beloved Columbia and those Beings who watch over an entire nation. They may become great racial Devas watching over the beautiful races evolving, all holding the power of concentration, going up the ladder, holding the divine pattern of the highest for their nation, their race or country. 

From among all of these one is chosen to work with the Beloved Maha Chohan and learn to draw those magnificent currents which govern all nature and they come to a point where they may apply for positions as the Elohim, the great Builders of Form of planets; and from the Elohim, the Silent Watchers are chosen. 

It is a long time since I embodied a flower and yet I remember it well. I remember those early days when it was such a temptation to flit from thought form to thought form, and I said: "Perhaps I may help": And that is why I am here, for we are all servants, servants of the Law, and servants of all your Life! 

I give to you my Peace, my Love and I hold for you the Immaculate Concept, your own Divine God Image. I have not relinquished that for one instance for if I had relinquished for an instant the image and trust of your God Design, given to me by the Beloved Helios and Vesta, so would you cease to be in this particular universe; Think how long I have held for you tie pattern which I ask you now, to hold for yourselves and each other!







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