For the Spiritual Edification of Worthy Chelas in 1961

MIGHTY ZEUS speaks on the Eight Bodies of Man: 

"I AM" ZEUS, One of the Sun Gods who came to this Earth and was privileged to raise Greece to the Height of her perfection centuries before the Beloved Jesus brought his Light to the world.

Spiritual Illumination is released to the chela according to his capacity to understand and apply greater knowledge for the benefaction of the Planet Earth and her evolutions. 


In most instances the chela has been told about the seven bodies. However, under the direction of the God and Goddess Meru, I have volunteered to explain simply the Eight-fold Nature of man as God created him. 


The entire eight vehicles are necessary, four in the Higher Spheres and four in the lower, in order to be a perfect conductor of one Aspect of Deity. 


The White Fire Being made in the Image and Likeness of God is molded out of Pure Electronic Light Substance and is ever active as a radiating center in the Cosmic Realms, an infinitesimal part of itself is the Energizing Power of the other bodies. As the Planets revolve around their individual Sun, so do the White Fire Bodies of all mankind actively participate in the joy of Cosmic Creation. 

Divine Complements - The first decision made in the Heart of the White Fire Being is whether to function only in the Cosmos or voluntarily project the Dual Aspect of its Divine Nature into the Ascended Master Realms to give more concentrated assistance to a particular evolution. These Divine Complements are known by some students as the Individualized "I AM” Presence. 

Causal Body. This is the accumulated good of the lifestream which is created by the interest and activity of each such a one. It forms the aureole of the "I AM" Presence. The nature and service which each "I AM" Presence is to perform was determined before Individualization took place. Seen with the inner sight all the colors of the spectrum are a component part of the Causal Body. The Virtue or Quality to which the individual has an affinity will form the largest reservoir of energy, the color dependent upon the Quality. Wise is the student who cognizes the truth that the Causal Body has an infinite supply which can be drawn forth for his benefaction and that of all mankind. By its very name it is a Body of Cause and the Effect is destined to manifest wheresoever the astute student calls it forth. 

Holy Christ Self - Jesus referred to this Spark of Divinity within man as "The Father within." When the "I AM" Presence volunteers to take embodiment upon the Earth plane, it projects a tiny replica of itself into the mother's womb at the time of conception. It is the Cohesive Power around which the Builders of Form create the lower bodies. As the Feminine Ray increases in intensity upon the Earth, the mothers of the race will become more cognizant of the sacred privilege of assisting the Builders of Form in nourishing the Holy Christ Self. She in truth is a chalice for the incoming Spirit. The obligation and responsibility of parents to the Spirits of the unborn can either hinder or delay the spiritual development of these children. 

As the Great Manu Saithrhu already awaits with the First sub-race of the Seventh Root Race opportunity to send these forerunners to the Earth to more quickly accelerate her evolutionary progress, it is the obligation of the Manus and their recalcitrant children on Earth to complete their course quickly to make room for these great Beings. Again the wisdom of the ages requires humility, discrimination, balance and sincerity to this dedicated Cause. Anonymity is a Spiritual Cloak!

I shall continue the description of the bodies and their functions in the August 1961 BRIDGE.





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