(July 27th, 1961 - 2:51 P.M. EST)

At the time of the full moon in the month of Asala, which is our July, the Great Lord Divino (the present Buddha, formerly known as Lord Maitreya) honors the anniversary of the first sermon given by his great Friend and Teacher, Lord Gautama (now Lord of the World) when Lord Gautama became the Buddha many centuries ago. Each year Lord Divino gives forth the exact same sermon to the Brotherhood and their chelas who gather in the garden of his home in the Himalayan Mountains, adding to it a short address of his own. 

The radiation goes forth for twenty-four hours before and twenty-four hours after this ceremony takes place, and the wise students will turn their attention to Lord Divino and Lord Gautama at some time during July 27th, 1961, and draw back into their own worlds and environment the illumination and blessings released. 

This wonderful sermon is very simple so that the original disciples who hear it could remember it. It stresses following the Middle Way that of living a good life in the outer world, rather than either the extreme of becoming an ascetic or following the worldly life of the average individual. Again and again the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path which Lord Gautama presented are given forth for contemplation: 

1.         The Appearance of Sorrow or Suffering (which must be removed);

2.         The Cause of Sorrow;

3.         The End of Sorrow (or escape from it);

4.         The Way which leads to the escape from Sorrow: Right Belief, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Exertion, Right Remembrance, Right means of livelihood, Right Concentration.



By Lady Master Nada

Beloved ones, Divine Love, is the most powerful activity in this universe, for it is the cohesive power which holds every electron in every atom that makes up every form, Divine or human, and that cohesive power in the heart of the atom is Divine Love whether it is in a human being, an Ascended Being, a Solar System, a Galaxy or whatever it may be. 

This power of Love Divine which the Ascended Masters wield, is the most mechanically accurate activity of the use of the Sacred Fire in holding together units, whether they are individuals whom you desire to assist, or to draw forth blessings for mankind; whether they are those who make up your household or in the affairs of an entire nation or the planet itself. This activity of drawing the cohesive power of pure Divine Love from our hearts into the very center of whatsoever unit you wish to hold in a harmonized focus, will give you practical proof of our Presence in this universe and our willingness to assist you at all times. 

Some individuals seem to find it hard to love impersonally. If that is your feeling, then invite one of us who are the full gathered cosmic momentum of that love to direct it into the Flame in your heart and let us love through you and love that life free. 

In an Ascended Master Retreat individuals are prepared for the subtle as well as apparent tests and there is always an Ascended Master, Guru or Guide by their side. You, who are receiving your tests, subtle and apparent in groups, in your homes, and in the world at large, often forget that every experience that you have is an opportunity in disguise, to utilize the power that is least evident in your lifestream, and to magnetize through the call to the Beings on the Ray which is most necessary and draw that Flame and Quality into yourself and the condition. 

I want to emphasize first that Love, real Love and not sympathy (which is negative and draws you into the distress) but real Love is the Power that holds the Universe together. It is the power that Magnus and Polaris use to keep the axis of the Earth in its motion as it straightens. It is the power of Divine Love held by the Cosmic Rod in the keeping of Lord Gautama and Lord Divino that holds the ten billion souls in the orbit of the Earth, and the three and a half billion souls on the Earth by what science calls the law of gravity; otherwise people would be flying off into outer space. 

The love of man for man is not as much as the love of God for man! The Love of the Father-Mother God for you has been the constant pull that has kept your spines erect; that has kept mankind from becoming like the supine four-footed creatures that have to walk yet on four feet. What is that power? It is the magnetic power of Divine Love from the Godhead which polarized through yourself has kept your spine erect even though sometimes the weight of human creation does bend it a bit. If someone loved you enough to give you a body erect and a straight spine and the capacity to speak and think and feel, can you not love those who yet are forced by human creation to walk on four feet, or eight feet or twelve, as it may be, and transmute that human creation through the use of the Violet Fire until they stand erect in their respective Kingdoms, beautiful and perfect as they were when the Earth was first created and when the Beings of Nature designed her, with no imperfect or distorted form. 

Love begins in the center and externalizes outward, as does every lasting virtue, not from the outside and entering in. That which is to last and endure, even to the substance of your Earth, starts from within out. That is why the God who made you created the Holy Christ Flame within you so you could have a good center and as that expands and expands you become the fullness of it right here on Earth. 

The precipitation that is to come forth is to make this Earth a Kingdom of Heaven and it will not be manifested to the masses until the greed and selfishness and desire to hold on to the beautiful and magnificent expressions are removed. 

You can test yourself very easily without saying a word to another living soul; test yourself on something of beauty, something very beautiful and not something with which you are usually associated. Take two minutes and become STILL; cognize the article of beauty and then FEEL YOUR REACTION! Is it just to love it, or is it to desire to have it for your own? If you will be honest enough in introspection, you will soon learn how to just love and enjoy the beauty of life; enjoy drawing forth that beauty for the blessings of others, and enjoy in full that which will come back to you Because, the more you love, the more you are surrounded by beauty and the more loving expressions of life enter your world. There is nothing in this unascended realm that the world needs more than DIVINE LOVE! I give to you the Love that surpasses the understanding of the human mind, but the Love that can be felt within the hearts of all who are sincere.