An Address by the Ascended Master Saint Germain

Once each year, at the close of the twelve month cycle, we are given a month of release and relief from the service in the world of form. Those of us who represent the great Spiritual Hierarchy, those of us, Angels, Masters, Devas and Powers of Light who have worked with mankind and the elemental kingdom upon this planet Earth are given invitation to return to Shamballa and there for thirty days we bask in the radiation of the Lord of the World, who has been the mighty King of Kings, the beloved Ancient of Days Beloved Sanat Kumara, whom we love and adore even as you yourselves. 

Twofold is the reason for our return to Shamballa. We bring with us the report of all that we have done in the world of form, of all that our chelas have done and all that our Retreats and the activities of our Ray has accomplished. We also receive there renewed strength, renewed energy, renewed vitality of a spiritual nature from the beloved Lord of the World himself, which we take with us and which forms a great momentum of energy for the next twelve month cycle. 

As the great city of the Bridge opens its doors to the Masters and Angels of Light it is a magnificent sight indeed. You have had it described to you many times before, and yet if you will come with me now we will enter into the heart of Shamballa so that you may enjoy for yourself the vibration that is there. You remember it was built through the self-conscious effort of a few individuals from the heart of Venus who lived upon that bright Star and loved Sanat Kumara and beloved Venus so much, that they did not wish him to descend into the darkness of Earth's shadows without a fit dwelling place where he might abide in the grace and purity that he knew at Home. These blessed people, unascended lifestreams, mind, belonging to the evolution of Venus, offered to Sanat Kumara and the Cosmic Law, their lives that they might come and through the ordinary means of birth, through human bodies, attain their maturity and create out of the substance, the energy and activities of the physical world, a duplicate and replica of the Spiritual City in which Sanat Kumara dwelt and from which he ruled his Star Venus. 

Beloved ones think for a moment about that; think of these individuals who are not too unlike yourselves. They were individuals who had only consciousness, and into that consciousness they had to imprint the memory of the City of Shamballa on Venus. They had to submit to the bonds of forgetfulness and pass through the bodies of earth people unto a Star that was so filled with psychic and astral creations that the Sun of the system had decided to dissolve it. They had to grow in the homes and families of individuals whose light certainly was not great; if it had been, Sanat Kumara need not have come! These individuals did not all live mind, and they were not precipitated miraculously on the shores of the Gobi Sea. They were born, as many of you, in different countries parted by large bodies of water from the Gobi Sea and the sight of Shamballa. As they grew up there again stirred within their minds the memories of a shining city, and some, like yourselves, found very little sympathy within the confines of their immediate family. They set out following their hearts' promptings across seas and land until finally a band gathered together around the mainland close to the Gobi Sea. There the strongest among them brought forth a vision of this great city and it was confirmed in the hearts of the others, even as my vision is confirmed in your hearts when you heard of the Freedom Flame and the New Day something within your heart stirred. 

You came from across the seas, many of you, and you came from all different portions of this great country, and when you came together you had only one thing in common, an inner memory of a vision, of a friend who had sent you here with the hope to establish a Freedom Star. 

And so these men and women around the Gobi Sea gathered and they thought they would build this magnificent city, White Island, and they began! They endeavored to draw out of their own consciousness the memory of it; the beautiful street laid out in the form of the oval; they planted their trees; they began to build the great bridge connecting the mainland with the White Island, and what happened to them? More than once in a long period of nine hundred years they were completely wiped out to a man by hordes of savages, by those men and women on the Earth who had no light. They came again in new bodies and brushed the very rubble aside, replanted their trees and began to lay their streets anew, put the blocks back together on the foundation for the magnificent temples. 

Toward the end, they knew the time had come for the great Lemurian pole star which signified the cosmic moment, and ready or not, temple or not Sanat Kumara was due to stand in the atmosphere and then descend on this planet Earth. Happy they were then that they had endured, that they were constant for nine hundred years! Does eighteen seem so long! Nine hundred years is a long time to be faithful to a vision. Oh, lovely ones, as you look back over the pages of history, all of the mysteries are clouded with visions of Angels and great mystic manifestations, but THEY NEVER HAPPENED THUS they happened always in a natural, normal manner as they happen now today! 

When I walked into Bethlehem with the beloved Mary, knowing full well her time was come, no mighty Angel with Sword of Flame opened the door of the Inn. I walked unknown seeking shelter for another unknown lifestream. Two thousand years later it is clothed in mystery and glory! But I assure you in those days we were just individuals like yourselves, with doubt, with fears, with uncertainty! And so it was with the building of Shamballa! One day then, that faithful few were rewarded; one day the flashing Star of Sanat Kumara was visible to the inner sight of the priests of that group; one day descending within the glory of the City of the Bridge, within the glorious golden domed Temple stood Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days! With him the Great Kumar and all those powers of Light that have sustained the planet until this present day! 

So today as we walk over that Bridge, you can look down at the etheric sea beneath it, and as your feet walk upon that Bridge think of all the sandaled feet and all the bare feet, of all the holy intellects that have walked into and out of Shamballa time and again; going in to be re-polarized, coming forth with new hope to light the world. As you stand at the very top of the Bridge you can see the magnificent Temple of Sanat Kumara on the elevation as the island slopes upward - it is like unto the lovely Taj Mahal and before it are the living fountains. As we walk over that Bridge and take off our shoes, we walk along the right side of the waters and we can see on either side of those pools the magnificent temples in the various colors representing the mighty Devas and activities of the Seven Rays. 

Stand for a moment at the foot of the great Temple of Sanat Kumara and look at the Cyclopean architecture, the magnificent sight and beautiful yet delicate perfection of the Temple. You can see that the steps divided into twelve are then interspaced with a long grassy sward, and again you have the living Flame fountain of various colors of water; as you walk up these steps, you come to the doors of the Great Temple of the Lord of the World! 

During this thirty day period after you have placed your harvest within that Temple, within the Flame within the Temple, the Lord of the World addresses constantly groups of initiates and chelas. In the atmosphere above Shamballa are the individual members of the human race who are advanced enough in consciousness to gather while their bodies sleep and they absorb mostly the radiation of his Flame which is Cosmic Patience. The Lord of the World speaks to the assembly which is made up of a great many of the discarnates, all those who are the relatives of the student body in the Ascension Temples, all those who are sleeping in their outer forms as well as to many of the initiates who are gathered within the Retreat. As you look up toward the altar, you can see the beloved Immortal Threefold Flame of Life burning within the golden brazier and the Presence of Sanat Kumara standing right within that Flame. 

For this thirty day period, although during the actual Transmission Flame ceremony we wore garments representing the rank and activity of our service, for the balance of the period it is a time of festivity, of informal counsels, of the unbound hair as the beloved Maha Chohan refers to it, and of the laughter of the Gods! It is a time when we meet as brothers and sisters and those we have not seen throughout the entire year and exchange pleasantries as well as our plans for the Teton conference and our petitions and hopes for the New Year. 

Beloved Sanat Kumara, standing in beautiful white garments, his lovely golden hair falling to his shoulders, his great violet eyes looking forth in love, is talking to the Assembly. Perhaps for a moment we may tune in to his radiation and accept his blessing.







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