In the name of the Most High Living God within whose Presence all stand, I greet you today Beloved Elohim of Creation. You who have designed from your own Free Will and developed precipitating Faculties and this planet Earth, which we desire through love to sustain in the Solar System. 

In the Name of the God that made us all, I greet you Beloved Archangels, you who have been the protecting Power and the radiation of the feeling nature of God in, through and around the souls of men that live upon the Freedom Star. 

In the name of the Most High Living God whom we serve and by whom we live, we greet you, Beloved Chohans of the Rays. You, who have foresworn Nirvana and who form the Bridge between the human octave and the outer consciousness and thinking selves of mankind and our Realm, to you we give a special blessing because yours, methinks, is the most difficult of all tasks as the spearhead endeavoring to reach into the reluctant faithless consciousness of mankind and bring them to light. 

We have gathered you together in the Presence of our Lord Gautama, our Lord Divino, our Lord Maha Chohan in order to have informally a discussion as to the activities on each of your Seven Rays. We shall listen with interest to that which has been accomplished. We shall summon first the Elohim, whose cosmic service at cosmic levels deals not only with the sustenance of this planet but with the sustenance of many galaxies, and then we shall summon the Archangels, in graded order, Prince Michael at their lead. We shall then summon the Chohans and they, in turn, we ask to summon within their etheric bodies every unascended chela who has served them. We would like to see what each one has done, according to his own light, in order that we may determine what best we may do for this Earth in the coming twelve months. 

To you all, here assembled, as this is an informal gathering, I want to give my personal Gratitude in your service to me. It is a long time since I decided within myself to come to Earth. I have become almost, as the people would call, institutionalized. I am so used to the atmosphere of the Earth and its peoples that I am having to take the very exercise that our son Saint Germain mentioned this morning in repolarizing myself to the realization of living upon a different Star. Is not the same vibratory action Beloved Elohim, Beloved Archangels and Chohans, the Earth and our Star Venus, and set as Lord Gautama and I this morning discussed it, it has been a wonderful opportunity to expand our individual and collective Light. If we had to do it over again, we would each have done so, even the experience, the length of our exile, the disappointments, the disillusionments which the outer consciousness brings. 

We are grateful to you, beloved ones, who have represented the Seven Rays on Earth. We are grateful to the Elohim, of course God-Free – the Archangels, God-Free; the Archaii, some who have not always been God-Free; and the Chohans who have not always been God-Free. We are grateful to you in bringing to us the interest in the service of mankind and we would like to point to you with the same interest to the small body of individuals in the United States of America – and throughout the world – who have offered themselves to be conductors of the feelings that we wish to give mankind in this Season. 

I would commend to you, beloved friends, each of these people. Will you please in your own way give them the faith, the understanding, the love, the purity, the capacity to wield the law, the love of their fellowman and the efficacy of the acceptance of the Violet Fire that will make them and keep them happy people. Thank you so much. 


We now turn our attention to the report of mighty Beloved Hercules. Beloved Hercules ascends the pulpit, the magnificence of his mighty glory, the beautiful golden head and the mighty power of it, is a tremendous sight to witness. It will take probably the full part of the day for them to follow through and from time to time the Masters, the Lord of the World and others will intercept with questions. So you can be a part of that, and YOU will have your time. Beloved Morya, myself, one of us will call you and you will have your time and you can walk up there without the least bit of trepidation because as Lord Divino says, you have done your best! Let not the Christmas Season be filled with any sense of self-depreciation. You have done your best but you CAN do better! In the Name of God, this Holy Season, I am your Servant and your Friend.








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