To the Beloved Lord Himalaya and his Brotherhood at the Temple of the Blue Lotus: 

We extend our gratitude for opening his Sacred Shrine and Focus of Tranquility and Peace to the peoples of Earth at this time. Having, like the Beloved Maha Chohan, made innumerable attempts to reach this Retreat, physically, long before my Ascension, I know something of the Dispensation presently afforded the chelas through the loving intercession of the Maha Chohan at this time. 

As the month of May is also dedicated to the Victory of the Ascension of our Beloved Jesus, and the Ascended Master Saint Germain, the enlightenment of the new Lord of the World, Gautama, the Festival of the Wesak Valley, the Visitation of the Holy Spirit upon the confused but earnest disciples of Lord Jesus, the fashioning of the Sacred Hearts of the incoming children by the Beloved Mother Mary, there is a great upward surge of spiritual energies rising Heavenward. Wise is the chela who joins his energies with this Ascending Tide into a greater illumination of his outer consciousness and uses that illumination in a practical manner for the benefaction of this race. I SHALL EXPECT SUCH COOPERATION FROM EACH ONE IN WHOM WE HAVE INVESTED SO MUCH OF OUR LIFE ENERGIES! 

This is your hour to shine... USE IT! 






Melody: "Love's Old Sweet Song"

Keynote of Himalaya Retreat 

Once in the ages, now beyond recall

When o'er the Earth the mists began to fall

Out of the Heavens came a sacred sight

Lo, from God's Heart, a Messenger of Light!

To our dear Earth he poured his great Light Rays,

Holding love's balance in those darkening clays. 

Our Beloved Himalaya, hallowed be your name,

Raise our Earth in Victory for this Cause you came!

Glory, laud and honor unto you belong,

Masters, men and Angels sing you Love's song,

We sing you love's old sweet song! 

God of the Mountains bearing your great name,

Towering peaks now guard your Wisdom's Flame;

Haven of Love's Blue Lotus, your Retreat,

Radiant with power, knowing no defeat;

Guarded by snow and ice laden crevasse,

Only the faithful through your portals pass. 

Dear Beloved Himalaya, thank you for your peace

Flooding o'er Earth's millions Cosmic Christ release.

Gracious is your mercy glorious is your power!

Free Earth by Love's Victory, doubled each hour,

O double Love's Victory each hour! 

Heart friend of Love, (but known to such a few),

Let all that lives and breathes send Love to you!

Raise men's attention unto your Great Height

On that attention flows back all your Light.

Earth now arises, free from human pain

Lives in the sunshine of God's Love again. 

Central Sun Eternal, all that is thereon

Honor all Earth's Saviors - Sages come and gone!

Bless our dear Himalaya and his service true.

Gods of all the mountains - WE LOVE YOU TOO!






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