The Ascended Masters Speak!

On the Joy of Illumination and the practical service which can be rendered by such Illumination

As the reader will see, this month the Ascended Masters have not spoken in the order of the Rays, but in the chronological sequence of the Festivities of May, to ask for specific benefactions for mankind. 


Saint Germain's Ascension, May 1 

"On May 1st, centuries ago I was enabled to attain the Victory of my own Ascension through the kindly assistance of the Divine Beings who had been my Gurus and Guides, as well as the so generous courtesy of certain unascended individuals who provided the place, in comparative privacy, for my passing through the gates of so-called "death" into the Ascension. There is always a sense of sadness in leaving the Earth, and the friends who have become dear to you, especially when you have been apprised of the Divine Design which is yours to fulfill and which, at that time, seems to you somewhat vague. Yet, the joy of the Ascension and the promise (yet to be fulfilled) by my friends of that day to help me to bring Heaven to Earth gave ease to my Heart. Now, as Lord Himalaya opens his Retreat, I ask of him the favor of allowing his Illumination Flame to blaze through the consciousness of those who promised me to bring in the Permanent Golden Age. I know, as that is my one Wish, before the Blue Lotus, he will help me." 


Jesus' Ascension, May 7th 

"Through the assistance of Lord Maitreya and my beloved mother, I was enabled to attain a public Ascension, not as a phenomenal expression, but as a Way toward a similar experience by all mankind. 

"I ask Beloved Himalaya to enlighten the Christians throughout the world as to the purpose of my public Ascension and also to make them feel and know that it is not only a possibility but an eventual requirement for everyone of the peoples of the Earth." 


Lord Gautama's Enlightenment, May 8th. 

"On May 8th, after searching for Truth, I found full Illumination and Enlightenment. Beloved Himalaya helped me in this sincere search. I was then enabled to return to the peoples of India and preach the doctrine of Enlightenment which many, even in this present day, use as a measure of their Spiritual progress. I ask Beloved Himalaya to give to all leaders, Spiritual and secular, such Enlightenment on this Day!" 


Pentecost (Whitsuntide) May 17th 

"The Feast, known as Whitsuntide or Pentecost, wherein I was enabled to assist mankind by bringing some of the actual radiation of the Master Jesus to his Disciples, giving them renewed faith and courage, is performed daily all over the world, according to the receptivity of the chela to receive this particular Grace. I ask Beloved Himalaya to illumine all peoples as to what that Grace is the actual infusion of the powers of the "I AM" Presence into the Holy Christ Self for the benefaction and blessing of all imprisoned life everywhere."


Wesak Festival May 22nd 

As the earnest pilgrims from all over the world make their way toward the Wesak Valley, I ask that each one, following the Flame of his own heart shall know the Victory of attending this festival this year and none shall be denied. This is my request of Beloved Himalaya." 

MARY, Mother of Jesus

The entire month of May 

As so many of the embodying Spirits enter the Sacred Heart Temple in May, and you, my children, have done so in the past, I ask from Lord Himalaya, that all the destructive karma of those individuals coming into embodiment, be dissolved by the Violet Transmuting Flame, and the new vehicles so lovingly prepared for them by the builders of Form shall he sound of mind and body."







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