Part I 

Royal Teton

July 8, 1954, morning 

Hail, oh spirits of fire from the Heart of God, thou who walk the pathway of life, I ZARATHUSTRA, Priest of the sacred fire from the Heart of the Central Sun, have been summoned by your light! 

I stood before the Karmic Board and at thy direction I have come forth to speak directly to you who have applied from within the recesses of your innermost being for a knowledge in the use of the powers of the sacred fire... that sacred fire which is the master element in every sphere where it is active... that sacred fire which focused through the temples is now the master control and balance within every one of the seven spheres but which up to this point in the physical appearance world has been guarded, guided, protected and secluded within the retreats of the Ascended Masters! 

The Cosmic Order of Zarathustra

It is time, the cosmic law has spoken, the fiat of the Eternal has gone forth, when the gifts and knowledge of the sacred fire, the balance which it brings, the radiation which it will sustain in the world of form is to come forth again under the control and protection of lifestreams who yet wear garments of flesh and have the authority vested within them because of those very garments of flesh to invoke, consecrate and radiate these powers of the sacred fire! 

The Order of Zarathustra established in the Heart of the Central Sun of the System is carried by the Priests of Zarathustra to every Sun in the system, and at a given cosmic moment, from the Sun to every planet in the system does a Messenger of Zarathustra go and establish within that planet the knowledge of the sacred fire entrusting it to the Priests and Priestesses dedicated to sustaining and expanding its light. The Zarathustra then returns to the Sun and so from time to time there have been called forth from the heart of this universe, from the living Presence and radiant throne of Helios and Vesta, Priests of the Order of Zarathustra. 

When the fire element was lost to the masses

In the first golden age which existed upon this planet, the great Zarathustra who came with the first group of incarnating lifestreams was the master control of the fire element and the guardian spirit in each temple under his direction did draw forth and qualify life establishing forcefields which were radiant suns... stockpiles of qualified light... which were the nourishment of the peoples! 

As the veil of maya in succeeding ages clouded the minds and consciousness of the race, the Order of Zarathustra became a secret and a sacred one. The Priests and Priestesses in the temple no longer divulged the powers of the sacred fire or the knowledge by which they were invoked, to the masses! Those who remained true, however, to the principle of Zarathustra did sustain in every succeeding age and era the certain balance through which the God life could be conducted to nourish and sustain and protect the peoples. 

Then, as the Immortal Flame of God within the heart was ignored, as the attention of mankind fed primal life into the appearances and built those entities of thought and feeling which formed the great blanket of astral and psychic pressure, even the physical use of the fire element was lost to the masses and there were eras upon this fair Earth where physical fire was known not! Such an era preceded the coming of Sanat Kumara and the Lords of the Flame from Venus. In those times the great hordes of savages, the degenerate races had no use and knowledge of fire, and the spiritual community wherein the spiritual lifestreams retained the knowledge of the physical fire were walled in, and the warmth, the comfort and the light of the fire which was a protection not only against the invisible psychic and astral creations but against the roaming animals was denied the mankind who had forgotten to feed and sustain the Immortal Flame which was their God Presence with all the powers of God the Father! 

The arrival of Sanat Kumara

After the coming of the great Sanat Kumara and after is manifestation in the heart of Shamballa, where he drew through his own energies the visible power of the sacred fire upon the altar and the elect witnessed the activity; after that rhythm was established and the individuals privileged and drawn by the magnetic pull of their own light and development entered the City of the Bridge, entered the glorious white island, and saw the Blazing Presence of the Immortal Flame upon the altar, they, through application and through invocation, through adoration to the sacred fire did magnetize again from the Heart of the Sun a Priest of the Order of Zarathustra who came and walked the Earth and brought to mankind outside the walls of the sanctified the use of the physical flame once more. 

That was the darkest period in the progress of the planet, the period when the Immortal Flame had dwindled to a tiny spark... the period when the physical flame which had been the protection of the evolution was known no more! 

Why the Transmission Flame Activity was established

We come today to another cosmic moment, the bringing back into the use of the lifestreams who have shown sufficient interest in our Cause the conscious use of the powers of the sacred fire, with which we are hoping you will choose to experiment, draw forth through your sanctuaries and group activities and into your homes, and if you can sustain the rhythm, if you can understand the application and if you can be constant in your magnetic pull, one day that fire will be visible in the physical appearance world! 

It is to this end that the great Maha Chohan has chosen to establish the Transmission Flame activity. It is to this end that the forcefield through the sanctuary and group activities has been encouraged, and it is to this end that I, the Spirit of the sacred fire from the Heart of the Sun, have been invoked and come forth today... to vest you, each one, as a priest or priestess of the Order of Zarathustra... to bring to your remembrance once more the knowledge of the powers of the sacred fire IF YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT THEM! 

Much has been spoken of in legend, much has been spoken of in myth and in occult law about the sacred fire! Yet the conscious mind is very vague as to exactly what it is. Allow me the honor of reminding you! 

Look now at the Holy Christ Self for a moment... there is the magnetic power vested within its cosmic heart which draws pure primal life from your Presence, primal life which the Presence itself has drawn from the Sun of this system. Even if you belong to a superior system or the Central Sun itself, when you act and function in a universe, the causative center which is the pulsation which feeds primal life through your vehicles is anchored through the localized unit of the Sun in the universe where you function. 

Look at the Christ Self

Those of you from the Central Sun have a mighty stream of light flowing into the physical Sun, which is again magnetized by the White Fire Being and the White Fire Being directing it through the Electronic Presence of the Twin Rays, through your Holy Christ Self and your lower vehicles. 

In order to clarify my picture and to concentrate your attention we shall eliminate that great cosmic skeleton of channeled energy and ask you to look at the Holy Christ Self. 

Within the heart of the Holy Christ Self is the magnetic power of the Immortal Threefold Flame of Life which does invoke primal light, drawing from the universal stockpile electrons. Now, look at an electron, just for a moment as I pass my hand through cosmic space we will stop the motion of that electron that you may look upon it. Within it is the pattern of your own lifestream. Within it is the divine pattern, the brand, you might say, which every electron invoked by your own White Fire Body and passed down for you through your vehicles has been stamped in order to differentiate it from all other primal energy flowing through other causative and invocative centers throughout this planet and universe. 

An electron described

Within that electron is the pattern of your life... that means that everywhere that electron goes once it has been magnetized and directed through your Holy Christ Self into the use of your personal self and its vehicles, everywhere it goes it carries the brand and stamp of yourself conscious invocation for use of light. Those electrons when they are clothed in form by thoughts of a discordant nature... when they are charged with feeling... and move out into the psychic and astral realm are part of your responsibility and must be redeemed through drawing them back into your own world and sending them back pure and perfect into your Causal Body where they belong. 

Look upon this electron... it is primal life with your name written upon it. It is life you have applied for... it is life that you have drawn pure, shining, iridescent, magnificent from the pure Heart of the Sun! Within that electron, even within a drop of blood of your body, within that electron is the pattern of the Godhead, of the White Fire Body, of the Electronic Body and all the power and powers of the sacred fire in this universe quiescent! It is like a beautiful drop of water, except that it is individualized by the stamp of your light pattern... a flower, a glorious Maltese cross, an open lotus, whatever it may be. Fine! 

Those electrons from your Holy Christ Self are destined to be magnetized by the Immortal Flame within your heart and their procession down through that series of vehicles which seize upon them should be completely uninterrupted by motion of the emotional body, mental body or etheric body. Those electrons magnetized from the "I AM" presence and entering the Holy Christ Flame within your heart are your "rod of power", your scepter of dominion and authority, when uninterfered with, when you center yourself within that glorious, breathing Presence within you and silence, SILENCE, SILENCE the vibratory action of the feeling world, the mental world, the etheric world and the physical body, giving back to God primal life to use as it directs! 

In the silence of those vehicles you can visualize and feel then the stream of electrons expanding the Presence of God within your heart, making that Immortal ThreeFold Flame of Life to grow, to mature and to become the Master Presence of primal life! 

Then... then comes the activity of the priest or priestess of the sacred fire in qualifying life, for the sacred fire is but consciously qualified primal light directed forth for constructive intent through the free will consciousness of the God within the heart! Is that so difficult? Is it mysterious, occult? 

Primal life, these electrons within the use of the Presence of God within the heart is then molded into form according to the perfect design of the mental body... if it is the Violet Flame the mental body outlining that magnificent action of the transmuting power of divine love, and the feeling body breathing into that glorious mental concept giving it energy and light, and the sacred fire then functioning within the mental and emotional world, the etheric body if stilled accepting it. 

How to draw the Sacred Fire

Then the sacred fire lowered into the physical appearance world, through the instrument provided for such conduction, the physical body through the spoken word. Every vehicle provided to radiate the sacred fire in the realm and sphere which is made up of the same substance... that which is done in the mental sphere acts throughout the mental world of all mankind. That which is done in the feelings acts through the feeling world of all mankind. That which is accepted etherically acts within the etheric realm of all mankind! 

BUT, in order to draw the sacred fire into the physical appearance world, the physical instrument, the vocal cords, the conducting power of the hand and the consciousness of the physical instrument must be employed! That is the importance of coupling visualization, adoration and the activities which develop the inner bodies with the physical cooperation of the flesh! 

Proof of this lies within the fact that the etheric realm which is the closest to the physical appearance world is already filled with perfection. The seventh sphere, belonging to your Master and my pupil Saint Germain, is already in full use of the power of the Violet Fire. The physical appearance world that requires the assistance of this transmutation must have the coupling of the inner energies with the activities of the flesh. When that is done from realm to realm and sphere to sphere, one lifestream can draw any of the powers of the sacred fire first through the Electronic Body, the Causal, the Holy Christ Self, the emotional, mental, etheric and physical form. You will have then the sevenfold activity of the sacred fire flashing forth through your consciousness and into this world of form. 

Mankind are extremely interested in releasing the power within the atom! God forgive them! It is only the power of the Zarathustra that shall release the active powers within the electron and the atom for benefits and blessings of the race! 

Your great deserts, your barren waste land, are a result of the presumption of man in seeking to release these powers which can come forth only through divine love for the sustaining of balance and the conducting of the powers of God through the world of form!

I, Zarathustra, from the Heart of the Sun behind the Sun, speak into the atmosphere of this Earth today and say to every lifestream engaged in such a nefarious practice STOP, STOP, STOP in the name of GOD ere you destroy all that has come forth for the benefit of the race! 

The sacred fire is like the physical fire. It is an activity of transmutation. Your physical fire, beloved ones, is a fourth dimensional activity drawn forth in the third dimensional world through the combination of two forces. Mankind have called it friction, the combining of two elements by which a spark is struck and the flame invoked. Let me show you that the same is true with the powers of the sacred fire from the inner realms! 

The masculine and feminine elements must be combined

The masculine and feminine elements within the feeling world or within the mind must combine to create the spiritual spark from whence the sacred fire grows, develops and expands. Either element without the other is barren. 

As the Great One brought forth to you, the feminine feeling, I will repeat: you have adoration, consecration, illumination and ministration. These are feminine feelings... feelings of softness, feelings of mercy, feelings of benediction. When those powers are used they draw forth what? The sacred fire? No! Light! They draw forth the substance of light! 

When the adoration flame, the concentrate of the mighty Chamuel, flows upward to any God free Being or to the Heart of Infinity, the return of that ray is a radiation of light. When the adoration flame is combined with the masculine feeling and used for protection or directed into the world of form as visitation, the carrying of the qualified blessing to benefit many, you have 'sacred fire'. 

When the adoration flame is combined with the masculine flame of invocation, visitation and protection you have fire! Conversely the masculine element of feeling, invocation, visitation, protection alone are barren. They draw forth light. Invocation through the powers of the sacred fire draw forth a response of light from the Beings within it, the Beings invoked. 

Invocation to become sacred fire must cross with ministration, the carrying of that power invoked into the world of form. Invocation must cross with illumination carrying the received thoughts into the world of form. Invocation must cross with the activity of consecration that the energies drawn from the Heart of God may be consecrated to service. 

You must combine thought and feeling

When within one lifestream you take adoration and protection... invocation and ministration... or combine these elements you immediately have the balance which brings the sacred fire into the world of form! There is no exception, unfortunately, to this law! 

It is the same if you take the principles of thought and feeling. Thought the great masculine element which draws the idea does not become a thing until the feminine element of feeling blends with it and gives it life, and form ensues. 

We have endeavored to show you the powers of invocation and adoration... each magnificent in themselves... but the blending of the two brings the sacred fire which is the expanding, expanding, EXPANDING of the gifts of God into this world of form! 

Now... each man and woman who desires to be a focus of the sacred fire in the world of form must develop from within himself the particular balance. The feminine must develop the masculine, the masculine the feminine and each lifestream become complete in itself. 

I understand this perhaps is a little abstruse, but on the other hand if five of you get it, you should make a focus which is of merit! 

The Master Saint Germain made a statement which is familiar to you all - "as the conscious is to the unconscious, so is the use of the flame to the recognition of the light." Think about it! 

In the days and years ahead many will love the light. Many will enjoy the return currents from the qualified Priests and Priestesses which rising in adoration, we will say, bring forth a benediction which is soothing to the feelings, which is relaxing to the body, which is restful to the mind. They will enjoy the light as the moths come to the flame play in it, so will the masses, and so it has always been, enjoy the light. Others coming in distress of mind and body wishing healings of flesh will enjoy the light of the qualified Priests and Priestesses who through the power of invocation draw down that qualified light. These are the children of light; these are the beneficiaries of the workers; these are the drones that in their day will become workers. These are the ones that you will meet and I ask that you remember to feel no disappointment for they want the fruit, the harvest, but not the ways and means of securing it. But those of you within yourselves who are determined to become conscious conductors of the sacred fire... you who are willing to face the incendiaries doom, you who are willing to develop and mature the element within you that yet is quiescent, lethargic, you are those to whom I speak this morning. It is to you that I bring the crown of Zarathustra! It is to you that I give the remembrance of the way and means to draw forth the sacred fire! 

You who are the Priests of the order of Melchizedek... Melchizedek walks again! I feel the stir in your hearts in remembrance as I speak the name! Jesus was of this order! Beloved Saint Germain was of this order! Mary was of this order! To you, who were among those who knew the powers of the sacred fire in Lemuria, on Atlantis, in the seventy thousand year civilization, in the heart of Egypt and in all the great ages where that sacred fire formed a funnel from the inner realms, to you I speak!

(Part II continued in next issue)







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