Homes and Retreats of the Masters of Wisdom


November 15th, 1958 through December 15th, 1958 

One of the greatest foci of Light, shining in the Etheric Realms above the Gobi desert is Shamballa, created, in love, by the disciples and pupils of Sanat Kumara as a fit dwelling place for his August Presence when he should, in love, make the voluntary exile from his Planetary Home, the Star Venus, to help the Earth and its recalcitrant humanity. 

The lesson of the building of Shamballa alone is one to be pondered upon sincerely by the dear and earnest chelas of today. Sanat Kumara offered to make the sacrifice of leaving his Star and abiding place, for a time in Earth's atmosphere, to hold by his Love, the very Planet (and its evolutions) in the Planetary System to which it belongs. Yet, the Vision of such Service was accompanied by the practical service of those beloved chelas of Sanat Kumara, who - realizing the tremendous sacrifice of their Lord, came to the Earth nine hundred years before his Advent and they suffered tremendous opposition by those individuals who did not want the Earth and its evolutions to survive. 

These chelas, through constancy of purpose, love of Sanat Kumara, and willingness to undergo any hardships inflicted upon them by the temporary powers of darkness, did make the vision of Shamballa a fact through these nine hundred years of selfless, consecrated and devoted endeavors to create upon the resistant surface of the Earth, a duplicate of the glorious Shamballa of Venus. 

Now, in this Cosmic Day, the chelas of the Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain, have OPPORTUNITY, to create for him, a similar beauty upon the Earth for his august Presence and that of his Lady, Portia. Shorter is the time, however, than was allotted to the blessed chelas of Sanat Kumara, but more assistance is forthcoming from those of us who have achieved, through the assistance of Sanat Kumara, a desire to help each earnest and sincere chela toward accomplishment of his or her part in the fulfillment of the Divine Plan for the Earth and its peoples. 

Shamballa again opens her arms to those who have served the Earth and its evolutions during the past year. Sanat Kumara, together with the New Lord of the World, Gautama, stand ready to greet and embrace those who have so lovingly and constantly served them. Again, the Divine Beings and the earnest chelas will mingle in loving cooperation and counsel before the New Year of 1959 begins. All who have participated in the impersonal service to the evolutions presently using the Earth as a schoolroom, will again be privileged to place their harvest within the Immortal Victorious Three Fold Flame centered upon the Altar of the High Temple that crowns the White Island, making that Flame increase in power by their works well done. 

Shamballa is a result of love incorporated into active and practical service in the Name of the Lords of Light! It shall always remain so and its Temples, shining like the Sun at noonday, are open to those dear unascended chelas who desire, in the deepest recesses of their hearts, to expand the Light of the World! 

The repetition of the name "Shamballa" seven times, in reverence, either audibly or silently, will quickly raise the vibratory action of the earnest chelas as well as re-animate the etheric memories of visits there in the past as well as during this thirty day period. Thus the dear chelas can prove for themselves, not only the existence of Shamballa, but its palpable Presence as a motivating power for the expansion of God's Kingdom of Heaven on Earth here and now! 

There is always a focus of Light through which any and every Divine Being directs his Virtues and Radiation forth into the emotional, mental, etheric and physical strata wherein the greater numbers of mankind abide. SHAMBALLA is the focus of BALANCE wherein the focus of power, directed by wisdom and animated by love abides. All who require an expansion of that BALANCED POWER in their individual worlds will do well to avail themselves of the opportunity of entering the Holy City and, through proximity to its Flame and its Hierarch, receive the impetus required to continue their service in their own individual spheres of influence until this Earth is truly Freedom's Holy Star. 

The very Spirit and Nature of Shamballa, which forms the glorious Aura in, through and around this Holy City, is an outpicturing of the Vision of Sanat Kumara whose motive, even before its creation, was to bring to a shadow star and its peoples, Love Divine. This is equally true of the externalization of any plan that is brought forth upon the Earth - the actual motivating power behind the vision determines Its radiation, service and sustenance in the world of form. 

Shamballa has been sustained in the etheric realm because of the constancy of devotion to the Vision of Sanat Kumara by those beings who have foresworn Nirvana to sustain THAT LOVE DIVINE which he brought for the benefaction of the race! Always, again and again, CONSTANCY OF PURPOSE IS THE MOTIVATING POWER OF ALL GOD ENDEAVORS and the devotion and consecration of Self Conscious Intelligences to that PURPOSE literally HOLDS the Focus of the Divine Beings who established it, in Love, for the blessings of the Earth. Each Divine Being, who so volunteers to magnetize and sustain such a God Focus, takes a voluntary vow to sustain that Focus until another Divine Being qualifies to sustain that Focus for him or for her. Thus, the love of Lord Gautama, which qualified him to relieve Sanat Kumara of such a vow, cannot be over-emphasized. The Regent, Sanat Kumara, all Beings on Venus, and all of us who have loved and enjoyed Shamballa through the ages, bless Lord Gautama for assuming the responsibility and obligation of holding this Focus of Light to the present day! 

Let us join together on the Sacred Island of Shamballa and bless him and his court! Let us breathe the blessings of our collective love upon Shamballa and let us renew our association one with the other, in this Holy Time.


(Note: For other descriptions of Shamballa, please see The Bridge to Freedom Journal, Vol. 1 No. 7; Vol. 2 No. 8; Vol. 3 No.8; Vol. 4 No. 8; Vol. 5 No. 8; Vol. 6 No. 8)







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