October 20, 1956 


I love you for that seeking; for that desire to manifest God's Will. It is that "very seeking" that has drawn the attention and added assistance of the Great White Brotherhood toward you, individually and in your group endeavors. It is your earnest desire to participate in the purifying activities by which the Earth may be raised to her perfect God-estate, that has made possible those dispensations by which we may draw aside the veil of maya and allow you to enter into our homes, our Retreats and our hearts, as we share with you the confidences of our own experiences by which we attained the victory you so much desire. 

Enter joyously into the beautiful home of Beloved Morya. See there externalized the beauty which is God's Will for you too as his children. Absorb the faith and loving obedience which are focused there, those God-virtues by which we all, in our time, achieved our Victory! Make real these visitations in consciousness! Create a pathway by your controlled, directed attention over which your soul may speed into our Presence while this Focus is radiating its gifts to the world! You are in a Day of OPPORTUNITY! USE IT! 

Lovingly endeavoring to help you to enjoy doing God's Holy Will "I Am" 





The statement for the Transmission Class of October 20, 1956

     1               2                  3        4        5        6        7                  8

"I AM" inbreathing from Beloved Morya the God control that does God’s Will

"I AM" absorbing                                                                   

"I AM" expanding                                                                   

"I AM" projecting                                                                     



Retreat: Temple of God's Will - Darjeeling, India;

Hierarch: El Morya;

Color: Crystal and Royal Blue;

Musical Keynote: "Pomp and Circumstance"


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October 20, 1956


For the next thirty-day period, while the Temple of God's Will is in action, will you (every morning, on awakening) consciously turn your attention to the Flame of God's Life within your heart and humbly say: "I am yours, Beloved 'I AM' of me! Let now your Will be done in, through and around me and all I contact. I consciously accept all the good you want me to have, that I may enjoy using it for the happiness and freedom of my own world and that of my fellowman. Help me so to fulfill my Divine Plan (reason for being) this day"! Keep this up faithfully for thirty days and you must feel a greater love for and closer communion with your Source, your Father of Light - "I AM". 

Perhaps the greatest misunderstanding in the minds of men is that concerning the WILL OF GOD for them, despite the many, many assurances in the Bible and all Divine literature, that God is the very Nature of love! Read the definition of Divine Love in the 13th Chapter of 1st Corinthians in your New Testament and see if there is any suggestion there of poverty or the lack of any good thing! Jesus said: "It is the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom"; "all that the Father hath given unto me give I unto you" (Remember, Jesus had the full power of precipitation and etherealization and therefore knew no lack of any good thing!); "Ask and ye shall receive..."; "If ye shall ask the Father anything in my name, he will give it to you"; "Prove me now herewith... and see if I will not open the windows of Heaven and pour out upon you blessings more than ye can ever receive"... these are all statements taken from our accepted Bibles. Now, in all honesty, does this sound as though God's Will for his children, the "crown" of his creation was hard, cruel eternal punishment for human mistakes born out of the forgetfulness of their Source? Did our Beloved Jesus (who came into manifestation on Earth to outpicture the Nature of the Father) ever refuse to give a blessing to the life he contacted? Is there any record of his ever having lacked any good thing whether it was wisdom he required to thwart the wily traps of the Pharisees or whether it was food to eat when there were five or seven thousand others to be fed as well? If he had full and free access to the Father, then if we will live in as close communion with that Father as he did the same gifts, marvels and wonders can be ours. 

Have you a problem at this moment, perhaps more than one? Arise and go to the Father! Lift your consciousness away from the distress and place it upon the Flame of Life, God, right within your beating heart. There ACCEPT his Will for you, the abundance of every good thing. "Come unto me, all ye who labor and are heavy-laden and I WILL GIVE YOU REST!" THIS is the WILL OF GOD for you – PERFECTION - the Truth of your being! 

Lovingly Always "I AM"


(P.S. More on this subject next month.)



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