By the Ascended Master Kuthumi

 “Thy Kingdom come! Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven” - Jesus.

BELOVED MASTER: How can we know God's Will when we must rely upon the integrity, spiritual honor and purity of unascended lifestreams who represent that Will to us in so many and varied forms?

BLESSED CHELA: Discrimination, wisdom and understanding, all attributes of the Second Ray, must be consciously invoked from the "I Am" Presence and from those who represent that Ray in the Ascended Master Realm. This causes the "light of illumination" to arise from within the heart, which light then permeates the mind, the feelings and the brain consciousness.

BELOVED MASTER: Spiritual freedom is much stressed in the doctrines of today. How can we discriminate between the personal opinions of ourselves and our teachers and your directions or that of our own "I Am" Presence?

BLESSED CHELA: The measure of your teachings and also your personal promptings by comparison with the Nature of God will clearly define their origin. That which endeavors to stimulate the feelings, thoughts, actions and spoken words toward externalization of the Holy Spirit (as represented by our Lord Maha Chohan) are of God. That which even most subtly stimulates the lower bodies and the soul to personal aggrandizement and inflation of the separate "ego" is not of God.

BELOVED MASTER: Sometimes we feel deeply, sincerely and honestly prompted to follow a course of action in complete variance with the Law as presented by men and women. What accounts for this?

BLESSED CHELA: First, the Ray to which you belong will cause you to have an affinity toward certain devotions, spiritual exercises and practices; second, the far more subtle desires of the emotions, thoughts and memories of the past will seek life, continuity of expression and importance, through securing the cooperation of your yet untransmuted soul. These promptings are often not recognized as of human origin for the natural tendency of the evolving soul is to outpicture the subtle feelings, thoughts and human nature created through ages past. Examine honestly the motive behind such promptings and you will easily discover whether they are the Divine impression of the "I Am" Presence and the Ascended Host or the buried ambitions of the outer self.

BELOVED MASTER: Beloved Jesus taught us to pray "Thy Kingdom come! Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!" This prayer we earnestly desire to repeat in the pattern of our lives. How can we make these words LIVE in our personal and group activities?

BLESSED CHELA: First, you must remember the other statement of your Master Jesus: "Except ye become as a little child, ye shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven." This means renouncing all the accretions of mental concepts; of inharmonious, suspicious and impure feelings and the acceptance of the FATHER, "I Am" as a real, a living PRESENCE! The individual must become STILL and KNOW that "I AM" Presence. Then, ALLOW IT to flow freely through the imperfectly qualified energies of the outer self. When one feels that PEACE, he is in the Kingdom of Heaven (Harmony). There is the "false peace" of personal self-justification and there is the REAL PEACE which not only fills the individual's world but emanates from him as the light flows from the Sun. This REAL PEACE need not be affirmed, claimed nor boasted about, because in itself IT IS PROOF OF THE ALIGNMENT OF THE OUTER SELF WITH ITS SOURCE!