To the Cosmic Spirit of Resurrection: 

Greetings and blessings from every God-free Being who has used your resuscitating powers to energize the Divine Image of Perfection and who has risen on such a Resurrection Flame to the rightful place of Immortality!

Free-will has allowed selfconscious intelligence to create for themselves disease, decay and disintegration. The Spirit of Resurrection stands awaiting the invitation of those who truly desire to return to the Father's home! For every such an individual, this Spirit of Resurrection will act! Accept it! Use it! Through self-conscious endeavor perform the miracle of resurrection through your souls, your bodies, your homes and your worlds!

As we celebrate the Resurrection of the beloved Brother Jesus, we invoke all the powers of the Resurrection Flame to anchor into the feelings of all mankind and become for them, not only hope of restoration to Divinity, but actual manifest expression of that Divinity! Open your minds and hearts, children of Earth, to the Spirit of Resurrection and BE FREE! 


The Homes and Retreats of The Masters of Wisdom


April 15th through May 14th, 1956 

Our Lord, Maha Chohan, is the Being whose obligation and responsibility to life is to supervise, guide, guard and assist those Beings who represent the Seven Rays of endeavor to the planet Earth. Each Chohan serving under him has a specific service to render in developing every angel, man and elemental who belongs to the Ray which the Chohan has qualified to represent. Thus the comforting radiation of the Maha Chohan is received by the Seven Chohans who serve under him and, in turn, each Chohan intensifies, energizes, qualifies and directs the specific radiation which he has been trained to create and develop. This individual Ray pours out to all the evolutions above mentioned and stirs the spiritual nature of those who chose to come forth from the Inner Realms, taking embodiment upon the Ray which he directs into the atmosphere and vehicles of all belonging to his evolution. 

Every self-conscious intelligence has developed, through eons of time at Inner Levels, specific powers and activities which form the widest bands of colors in their Causal Body*. (*For a full explanation of "Causal Body," please see March 1956 issue of "The Bridge to Freedom.") Then, at the time when individuals are chosen to embody, just so many are chosen from each Ray (according to the momentums of qualified energy which represent the color bands in the Causal Body). Each such a one becomes the responsibility of the Chohan of the Ray he represents in the world of form. It is then up to the individual Chohan to help the embodied angel, man or elemental to release from his own Causal Body the full gathered momentum of his talents, powers, gifts and activities for the blessing of the race, as well as for his own personal development and mastery. 

Many lifestreams (not awakened spiritually) come under the "mass protection" of the Chohan of their Ray. Those who are ready to consciously endeavor to release from their Causal Bodies those gifts and powers of the Ray to which they belong, come under the specialized individual attention of their Chohan. In times of national, international, planetary or Universal crises, each of the Seven Chohans endeavors to stimulate the desire within the outer consciousness of as many as possible upon his Ray to reach up into their own Causal. Bodies and draw forth the stored-up momentums of good which are there, releasing it for the enrichment of the emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies of the people, as well as their protection and general advancement of the entire evolution. When individuals capable of such service are found, they are given every assistance by the Chohan who is Supervisor of their Ray. When specific service is required and added stimulus desired, the Chohan has the right to appeal to the Maha ("Great") Chohan (who is his immediate Superior) for advice and assistance in developing a chela of possible merit to the Evolutionary Scheme. 

The Causal Body is merely the stored-up energy which has been used harmoniously by each lifestream. It forms the "treasures laid up in Heaven" of which the Beloved Brother Jesus spoke. This energy will be released at the call and direction of the individual who qualified it, when he knows how to prepare his lower vehicles to be "conductors" of that already qualified perfection for the blessing of his fellowman. Such preparation requires the harmonization of his four lower vehicles and their purification by the constant, determined use of the Violet Fire of Mercy, so that this energy may flow freely through all the strata of consciousness to be benefited and praised by its Presence and activity therein. 

In Ceylon, there is a focus of great light, beneath a great tea plantation, hidden from the prying and curious eyes of man. Here the Being known as the Maha Chohan conducts his service of counseling and assisting his seven sons (the Seven Chohans of the Rays); also helping to develop and mature such chelas as any one of these Chohans might recommend for special assistance. 

The aura, made up of the energies of the emotional, mental, etheric and physical activities of the unascended, must be sublimated, purified, transmuted and prepared to become a replica of the glory of the Causal Body. Thus the chela becomes a conscious "conductor" of the perfection of the Ray to which he naturally belongs. Every individual takes embodiment at least once under the direction of the entire Seven Chohans, in order to develop a balance and maturity of his own nature on each of the Seven Rays. When an individual belonging to one Ray by nature, takes embodiment under the direction of a Chohan of another Ray, there is often a "conflict" between natural tendency and present duty. However, sooner or later, when the individual becomes master of the qualities and virtues as expressed by the entire Seven Rays, he returns to his own Chohan and completes his cycle of expression on this Earth plane under his own particular Chohan and Master. 

Individuals should not worry and fret too much as to which Ray they naturally belong. All is under Divine supervision and Divine order and as long as such an individual lives his life in harmony, purity, peace and service, he is fulfilling his present "assignment" and cannot fail to return to the natural Ray under which he will complete his service and return home to go out no more. 

Our Lord Maha Chohan has the great responsibility (as he tells you in the letter contained in the pages of this issue of our humble journal) of bringing Comfort to all life on every plane. To help him fulfill this obligation, the Seven Chohans serve selflessly to develop and mature the seventh portion of evolution which is theirs to evolve and protect, (the Seventh Ray governing the Earth at this time).  

Often, within the Council Chambers of the Beloved Maha Chohan, plans are discussed in unity and peace and the cooperation of the Chohans is pledged to one particular service which will be of impersonal benefit to the entire evolutionary scheme. Often, too, the individual Chohans apply to the wisdom and understanding of the Maha Chohan in order to accelerate their own individual services. He has never failed to give such assistance; not only willingly, graciously and generously but with tremendous interest in the projects of what he calls "his boys." 

To the masses which make up the majority of the members of the human race, the Elemental Kingdom (including birds and the four-footed creatures who have no words to express either their aspirations nor their desires) the Maha Chohan is a COMFORTING PRESENCE. 

To the "few" who desire to help him in his service, he offers the training, discipline and self-control required to become Comforting Presences to others. Thus he prepares individuals to be "conductors" of his Nature (the expression of the Holy Spirit) to mankind and the attendant evolutions developing in, through and around the planet Earth at this time. These "few" are usually recommended by the Chohan of the Ray to which they belong or they may apply personally (through the Holy Christ Self) for such training at the Temple of Comfort. Those so applying are given opportunity for such individual attention of this Great Lord. From the directions and instructions given to them and due to the proximity of their souls to his person, they gradually develop a nature like unto his own. Thus they truly become the Holy Spirit in person, acting as outposts of his Divine Presence in the environment in which they abide. 

Do you honestly desire to be such a Comforting Presence to ALL LIFE, irrespective of personal attractions and interests? If so, enter the Temple of Comfort. Stand before its Hierarch and be willing to comply with his directions. Then witness the effect of your endeavors in the world of those around you. You will require no other measure but your own influence upon the life around you to determine how much you have achieved by such aspirations and consequent service in his name. 


(Note: For further description of the Temple of Comfort, please see "The Bridge to Freedom"

Volume I, No. 2; Volume 3, No. 5; and Code of Conduct for Disciple of the Holy Spirit.)


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