"When it was perceived that my beloved sons, El Morya and Saint Germain were going to endeavor to again present certain truths to interested people upon the planet Earth, I conceived the idea of developing (outside the Ascended Masters' Retreats) certain specialized foci of harmoniously qualified low energy which could be used for the expansion of the Nature of God through the emotional, mental, etheric and physical worlds of mankind. 

These foci would depend, primarily, upon the interest, sustained enthusiasm and inspiration of those who desired to contribute to the impersonal welfare of the planet. 

In the Ascended Masters' Octave, all Beings (while fully master of all energy entrusted to them by God) chose to specialize in the magnetizing, qualifying, expanding and sustaining of some specific service by which the race as a whole might benefit. It was thought worthy of the time and energy expended to try to inculcate such an interest in groups of unascended beings and thus accelerate the progress of the entire evolution in, through and around the Earth. 

Each Ascended Master Retreat is dedicated to the expansion of some such Divine blessing. In time, with patience, harmony, constancy and love, unascended beings will create and sustain some Divine blessing which is a power that can be invoked at will by any and all other interested lifestreams in times of crises. 

A "forcefield" usually takes on the form (pattern) of the actual activity which a group of individuals desires to magnetize and radiate forth for the impersonal blessing of all life. This "forcefield" is as powerful as the interest, enthusiasm, faith and constancy of endeavor of its component parts (students). A "forcefield" will take on the shape (form) of the service to be rendered, without the conscious use of the mental faculties of the students, but this form becomes more powerful, more clearly cut out of Universal light and more enduring, if the mental faculties of the leader and the students help to sustain it in a certain definite pattern. If the pattern is constantly changing, according to the whim of the leader, it is more ephemeral and the responsibility for its sustenance lies primarily with the invisible Builders of Form. If, however, the leader and the students work together to create and sustain a particular "forcefield", energizing it by their life (in visualization, song and decree) it gradually becomes more distinct, powerful and efficacious in the emotional, mental, etheric and physical worlds, wherein the greatest requirement for assistance presently lies. 

In the early Golden Ages, these "forcefields" were well known to the Priests and Priestesses who officiated in the various Temples dedicated to certain specific God qualities; i.e. protection, healing etc. The mass of the people often made pilgrimages to such foci of specialized blessing and benediction, bathing in the full, gathered momentum already established there by those dedicated to this service of magnetizing, sustaining and radiating their gifts of life for the impersonal blessing of all mankind. 

Again, as we enter the gates of the Golden Age of Freedom, we are endeavoring to stimulate the desire within the hearts of the "few" to so establish such "forcefields." Thus, each group becomes a radiating center of certain God Virtues; also learning the power of concentration and impersonal service. 

Mankind enmasse suffer from many limitations and the range of possible services is limitless. Usually, in the unascended state, one individual strongly impressed by a desire to help his fellowman, will catch a glimpse of one particular service and then, in turn, through the power of persuasion, gather around himself others who are interested in a similar project. These "forcefields" are like beautiful flowers upon the person of the Earth. In time, all chelas will know what specialized activities are magnetized at certain points upon the Earth's surface and they, in turn, may ask for the assistance of such already established "forcefields" to assist them in particular local crises. 

The purpose of the establishment of such "forcefields" is not to exploit the personality nor the efficacy of any individual or group but to so magnetize and sustain certain Godqualities so that they are always available for the use of all. It is so with the Ascended Host who offer all their momentums of perfection to any one member, when Universal progress will result from such selfless service. 

The Transmission Flame Classes were also instigated at my humble suggestion, so that the individual "forcefields" might magnetize into their momentums the already gathered Cosmic Momentums of the Ascended Masters' Retreats. This is done, primarily, through the inbreathing of the substance of the Flame and Virtue of that Retreat! Then, the sincere and selfless students (using the magnetizing center of their forcefields) expand these Virtues into their localities (through the expansion and projection of their breath). Thus, unascended beings are learning to work with and expand the service of the Ascended Masters' Retreats. 

We are very well pleased with the sincere interest in this Endeavor and the kindly cooperation with it by so many individuals across the face of this sweet Earth. The "forcefields" in time can be made permanent and will remain long after the original leader and his group have ascended into the Realm where we abide. I recommend most strongly the necessity for examining the motive behind the establishment of such a "forcefield", as well as recognizing the need for absolute unity, cooperation, constancy of endeavor and true loving desire to impersonally help the race in its uphill climb back to its God Estate. 

The projection of the consciousness of the students into the actual Retreat does not neutralize the activity performed by their physical bodies which are actually breathing the Flame from that Retreat into and out of their bodies. It rather increases the capacity of each such an one to be a "conductor". of the Light and Power of that Retreat into their local orbit. 

If you have not yet decided upon the type and quality of your group and individual service, I strongly recommend that you soon do so! The world and its people require health, peace, illumination, financial freedom, faith in God, liberation from the many "woes" that spring from conscious or unconscious allegiance to the "shadow-world"! Become a forerunner of an era and age wherein the Temples of the Sacred Fire will again be manifest in this physical appearance world. All large activities have a "small beginning" ...from the embryo to the seed idea of a planet, a Universe or a Galaxy! The importance is in BEGINNING NOW!" 


(Note: To Sanctuary and group directors: If you have a form for the center of the "forcefield" of your group endeavors, please have it drawn on paper as soon as possible and thus give your students a pattern to visualize. Send a copy of this "forcefield," together with the explanation of the particular service you desire to render through it, to Mrs. Frances K. Ekey (who is in charge of Group activities) care of "The Bridge to Freedom," P.O. Box 335, Philadelphia (5) Pa. Thus we shall learn of your marvelous endeavors toward the establishment of various foci of God's Virtues on the Earth. We shall also have a physical representation of your "forcefield" before us, upon which we may call on behalf of any who might require the particular assistance of your momentum already gathered. Thank you! Your Editor.")





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