June 23, 1954



"Lords of Karma, Beloved Ladies and Gentlemen of the Karmic Board! I, Mary, Mother of the children of Earth. Who fashion the heart for every lifestream who takes embodiment, stand before thee now on behalf of the lifestreams about to take embodiment on Earth within this twelve month! 

I have stood in the Sacred Heart Temple with these spirits. I have looked upon the karma built through the ages. I have fashioned with my own hands the Sacred Heart out of the very best essence which the Body Elementals could offer.


I say to you, oh merciful Lords of Love and Light! the garments that these shall wear are not fitting for Gods and Goddesses. They are not fitting for beautiful spiritual beings who, within the course of this next eighteen-year period shall endeavor to set the Lord of the World (Sanat Kumara) free.


The mistakes and sins of the many ages have been written deeply into the energies of these etheric bodies and into those flesh garments that would be woven by the Builders of Form within the mothers of the race.


On behalf of these about to come to Earth, these who had the spiritual honor to stand in my Presence and before Sanat Kumara himself, I call to you. They pledged the Unfed Flame a vow and in balance for that voluntary bending of their knee, humbling of their pride, acceptance in the freedom of inner levels of the Presence of the Hierarchy, I ask this night for good, whole, clean, pure flesh bodies with eyes too pure to behold iniquity; with lips which will speak only words of love and light; with limbs strong and firm. Make each body a living temple through which blazes God's love and light; with brains, well balanced to receive the directions of the Christ Self; with every organ in its perfect place and in perfect functioning order.


I ask this in the Name of Life, and in the Name of the Ascended Jesus Christ, I am willing to offer on the altar of the Karmic Board whatsoever of my personal energies, whatsoever of my time, whatsoever of my very Self is required to pay any balance that you do not find within their acceptance of the vow to serve Sanat Kumara.


Great Lords of Love and of Light! The incoming children are the hope of tomorrow. Give them garments that they can occupy in ease and peace! Give them garments sensitive to their own Holy Christ Self, that their Christ Self through them may take full command from the time they are born. Give them, oh great Lords of Life, the fullness of the Mercy of Kwan Yin!


Oh, Beloved Goddess of Opportunity, newly-crowned Queen of Heaven, I speak to you as my successor! I ask opportunity for each one! Grant, thou this as my last gift as I close my Reign, and as you become the shining Queen of Heaven!


Oh, Portia! Portia! Child of Love! Child of Justice! I, Mary, speak to you! I rest my case in your sweet hands!"


(In connection with the above, please see page 21)





Beloved Presence of God, "I AM" in me, Holy Christ selves of all mankind and Beloved Elohim of Purity! In order to insure more perfect bodies, dearer minds and more harmonious feeling worlds for the children coming into physical embodiment at this time, we earnestly request You to send an Angel Deva of Cosmic Christ Purity to stand in the aura of each parent at the moment conception takes place. Purify their consciousness and raise it to the point where there can be offered the best possible vehicle for the fulfillment of their Divine Plan of these incoming lifestreams. Sustain and expand this radiation of purity around these incoming children to the fullest possible extent. Let the Angels of Purity hold invincible protection and God-supply of every good thing around each one all thru their Earth life and assist them to their Ascension in the light as soon as possible. We accept this done right now with full power!






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