Individualization, with the attendant gift of the free use of life, is God's gift of himself to all self-conscious beings. Ponder well, this season of giving, the gift of life which comes in an unbroken stream of pure, primal, intelligent substance into your heart. Gratitude for life and reverence for its use should be the return of the thinking man to his God this Holy Season. 


The gift of life itself is taken too much for granted by individuals who are privileged to have a beating heart in any sphere of expression, physical or inner. When the Giver of life withdraws that stream of energy and the consciousness can no longer function on Earth, how many tears are shed, how many entreaties go forth to the Karmic Board for opportunity to return and "make things right." Let the wise, abiding in the opportunity of the NOW use the gift of life in such a manner. that the world is richer, more beautiful, more harmonious, because life was invested in him to fulfill God's Will. 


Life becomes the servant of man, rushing to fulfill the designs of his heart and mind. For the use of life, each man shall render an accounting. The presence of an individual upon the planet Earth is for the purpose of mitigating the self-created evils of the past and to design out of primal life some particular blessing to enrich the universe. When man chooses to avail himself of the opportunity of lightening the load of karmic debts for himself and his fellow man and, through the upraised consciousness, to learn what the Presence of God through him desires to do with life, then he is about ready to finish his cycle of evolution. Then in the active ranks of the Great White Brotherhood he becomes one of the all too few conscious workers in the Father's vineyard. 


What shall be man's gift to God during the Holy Christmas Season? How eagerly man rushes forward to bestow gifts upon his loved ones. Truly it is the season of giving and the motivating power that stirs the heart to generosity and sharing should not be deplored but blessed. Such a desire is in itself of the very nature of the Father. Let us remember the Father himself in this bestowal of gifts, greetings and blessings, who has given life, continuity of consciousness and intelligence. In that remembering let us ask what the Father would have us do with this gift of life. Let us then listen to his response and most important act upon the promptings of the heart in his name. 


The gift of a portion of one's talents, gifts, momentums, substance, and generally qualified life to impersonal service, is a natural requisite for any individual who desires to become a member of the Brotherhood at Luxor. In this time of holiday festivities, it would be well for man to take a personal, private, honest stock of his own gathered momentums of good and offer them in secret to the Father of Life. Let such be reminded, however, that the opportunity that will be the effect of such an inner surrender will appear on the screen of life. Some enjoy the "sentiment" of surrender but shudder at the externalized opportunity which such an inner communion with the Father always brings. How many men stretch forth the self on the cross of surrender to the Will of God in a mystical ceremony (wherein only phantom shapes perform the rite) only to renounce the opportunity to make good the inner vow when the world of form opens the door for such fulfillment of the inner dedication. Those who love God make the surrender and the gift in the same joy they experience in sharing with loved ones on Earth. They are fully expectant of completing the dedication when the gift is claimed, no matter how the claimant be dressed. 


Those individuals who represent our Sphere in the world of form have already performed the act of "consecration" of their life essence to a specific vocation. At this Holy Season, let all thus dedicated to furthering mankind's greatest good, stand again before the Great Archangel Raphael renewing their individual and collective vows of consecrated service in the Name of God and as their gift to him. 


Those who learn to love the Father live only to serve him. Those who truly wish to express love of the Father must come to a conscious realization of his Ever-Presence. Then the gift of life, the precious qualifying centers of thought and feeling, the already manifest blessings drawn forth through individual use of consciousness become truly the gift given to him, not only at Christmas but all the year through. Each man may make some gift of qualified life to the Father and then, as the association proves a happy one, the entire life, purpose and activity of the self is laid at the feet of the Father in joyous surrender. Having experienced the ecstasy of such surrender, I can recommend it to all men seeking peace and freedom from self-seeking. 


It seems only yesterday that a small infant was placed in my arms and under the mystic light of the night sky, I looked upon a Gift from the Father to all men. Here was a Cup whose essence was so pure; whose consciousness was so exalted that the fullness of the Father's Nature could be revealed to mankind without shadow. Now we reverse this process and give to the Father the consciousness, life, nature, talents, gifts, powers and momentums of many men. Again, a cycle is completed. The Father's Gift has completed his service. Now man's gift is the returning to the Father of life man's use of that life, in the fulfillment of the Divine Plan for all men.






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