The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 16, Number 31                                                                                                  August 5, 1994


Beloved Chelas, 

Accept the most powerful aspect of love - the sacred Violet Transmuting Flame - as it envelopes you during your sojourn in the Temple of Mercy and Compassion during this month. Ask beloved Lady Kwan Yin to help you become ONE with her Flame, until your every glance and gesture carries this merciful Love into the worlds of everyone whose lives touch yours. 

Today I would like to give you some instruction concerning helping others in the awakening process, as well as the purification and healing they will require. For instance, when the chelas work in a concentrated way with any one of the Sacred Flames through the use of the Thoughtform and Theme, this momentum must be stepped-down and passed along to those who follow them on the spiritual path. This is done through the power of the outbreath of the entire Body of Light - of which you are each a part. 

All of the instructions and understandings received by the chelas and lightworkers through the use of the Thoughtform and Theme of each year are released into the mass consciousness of the mankind of Earth at the end of that year. Of course, this radiation also goes forth during the year, each time the Thoughtform and Theme are used by each one of you and your groups. This opens and prepares the mass consciousness to receive it. However, the full release of the Thoughtform and Theme at the close of any given year provides a tremendously intensified momentum to activate it throughout the Earth. You might say it is 'loosed upon the Earth with full power!' at that time, during the New Year Conference. 

As the chelas move onward to their next step, many of your brothers and sisters in the Family of Man are just receiving the impetus with which you have been working the previous year. For instance, last year you worked with the Qualities and Aspects of the First Ray. Now you are concentrating on the Qualities and Aspects of the Second Ray. The mass consciousness is being presented with the First Ray Qualities more strongly than you are, because you have passed this vibratory activity along to them. However, you are prepared to help them with their work, as they face some of the same initiations you worked with before them. It moves onward in this way, each level of consciousness being prepared to receive what it can absorb by the level just above it in development. 

When you desire to help others develop their spiritual consciousness and take responsibility for their own lives and progress, you may begin by acknowledging their God Presence directly. Do this in the silence of your heart and do not speak of it to others. 

While it is often difficult to recognize the Christ Self in others because of their outer actions, conditions, or circumstances, it may be relatively easy to speak to and acknowledge their I AM Presence as a part of the Universal connection between yourself and them, as well as all life. Also, to speak to the God Presence of another person is not an infringement of Cosmic Law in any way. It is merely an acknowledgment of God's Presence, Authority, Love and Perfect Will in and for another person. It is the same as a statement of your own being, and a calling forth of the Immaculate Concept for a brother or sister, who is not yet spiritually awakened. 

I do not suggest that you make any requests or suggestions on behalf of another person, but just bow in respect before that sublime Presence, and let it know that you are aware of its existence and power. Your recognition in this manner is an activating factor. Later, as the I AM Presence begins to open a pathway into the outer consciousness of a person, you can see that the Light is reaching downward into the heartcenter of the physical form and stimulating the Threefold Flame abiding therein. 

You may initiate this process by visualizing each person totally protected by their God Presence and see the Mantle of Light given freely to each one. In this way, you can begin to serve them as Archangel Michael constantly serves you, by protecting your pure forcefield of God Light with his own precious Blue Light. As you join in this work to intensify the protective Mantle around each one and acknowledge their I AM Presence directly, you begin the process of building a protective forcefield around others, within which they may safely experience whatever is necessary for them to take their next higher step. 

Always continue to call upon Michael for his forcefield around your Mantle of Light. It is very necessary. The method I suggest to you here is a way in which you may join in Michael's redemptive work of protection and prepare yourselves for the tasks which lie ahead for you as you graduate to higher service with the Octaves of Light. I thank you, beloved chelas of my Heart, for your loving service in every way. 

Your Friend, Kuthumi








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