
Beloved Holy Ĉolus, the Cosmic Holy Spirit

 November, 1991

Beloved Disciples of Holy Spirit,

I greet you from the Temple of the Cosmic Dove in the great City of Shamballa. The pulsations of Light from this Temple are greatly intensified, due to the heightened level of cooperative endeavor that has taken place between the chelas and the Octaves of Light. The beginning of this intensification took place just prior to the Winter Conference of the Ascended Masters held at the physical focus of Shamballa in December of 1990. Following the Conclave at the Teton Retreat in the northwestern United States, which also took place in December, there was a great release of Light given to Shamballa as it became clear that the chelas were becoming more deeply aware of the possibilities within our mutual endeavors.

Dear ones, we have spoken often and for many years regarding the power for planetary change that is possible in the combining of your energies with ours. It has taken time for the chelas to accept this Truth! Now, many individual chelas have accepted that they are, in fact, working with the Great White Brotherhood. This has been clearly indicated to the satisfaction of many individual hearts as you have responded to our request that you each accept personal responsibility for your part of the work.

The next step is that of learning how to work more efficiently as groups. In order to accomplish this step, each individual must be sufficiently cleansed of their personal karma so that they will not react to another member in a negative way based on personalities. This means that no one person can block the work of the group. All members will be able to work together as a true brotherhood. It is our deepest prayer that this takes place soon on a widespread level.

As I survey your auras, I can see that each one of you is becoming very aware of this required step. Through the experiences that are brought your way, you are working very diligently to clear your consciousness and your paths. You are thinking and considering the spiritual response, rather than just reacting in the old ways to the people with whom you are connected. This is excellent, and I AM pleased.

I know this work seems tedious and difficult at times, for completely overcoming the personal is not an easy task. Remember, dear ones, you have become accustomed to reacting to the personal first and regretting it later. Even though you recognize that this is human, it has created habit patterns of response that are not easy to overcome! In most instances, when you think it over, such reactions are no longer really necessary! Is that not true? Would it not be far wiser to take that extra moment to think when you are faced with some situation to which you might have previously reacted? In so doing, you might then decide it would be greatly to your advantage to just let it go into the Violet Fire. Realize that each person is responsible, not only for their actions, but also for their reactions. This will make it a lot easier to do. 

Now, in preparation to enter a New Year, I would like to encourage you greatly. Your every effort to purify and prepare yourselves for the transitions that are coming in the Earth will make such a difference to all life that your hearts may be lifted up in Joy for this opportunity! Why linger in human reactions when the whole of Heaven is opening before your eyes and your hearts and hands, as well? Take command of your outer selves by insisting that all reactions be of the Christ Self within.

In my last letter, I asked that you give gratitude to the Presence of God; I AM, each morning upon arising for the gift of God's Grace, ever with you. In addition, I now suggest that you sit down and spend a few minutes in the silence of your own heart-flame just before going to bed. I will give you a simple pattern for these few minutes.

First, thank your Presence for the day, whatever it has been. Then ask that you might be protected, cleansed and purified, prepared to enter the Retreat of the Ascended Masters that is open to you. Finally, ask that you may bring back the lessons necessary to help you fulfill your individual Divine Plan.

Following this important preparatory work, just sit and enter the Spirit of Gratitude for life, and ask for nothing. I repeat, ask for nothing. Just let my Light and Love flow through your four lower vehicles. Sense it, feel it, accept it, and know that Light! Then, whenever you are ready, lie down and let everything go into the Light as you enter the quiet state of slumber. Know that you are held and protected in the Arms of Holy Spirit till the new dawn comes. 

Many times we ask much of you. This I ask, not for the world, but for you. I love you, and I hold each one of you within my own Aura and Heart. To move forward in Light, you must let go, and trust the activity of Holy Spirit within every cell and atom of your four lower vehicles to prepare the way for true enlightenment. It is nearer than you realize! All during this year, you have given so much, and we are so grateful. Now I remind you that you must remember to take some moments for yourselves, each dear one. If you, in your love and zeal to heal the Earth, forget that you must first be prepared to serve by becoming a purified channel, some small forgotten unresolved response might block the full flow of pure Light.

Receive my counsel in the Spirit of Love with which it is given. I can promise you that if you follow it in an attitude of patience and trust; you will be so glad that you did.

Ĉolus, Cosmic Holy Spirit