The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 13, Number 44                                                                                                     November 1, 1991


Beloved Chelas,

There are a number of things I wish to address regarding the basic activities of the Karmic Board, and of how these inner activities relate to the structure of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom. As you have been told by Master El Morya, before whose Light I most humbly bow, The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom is intended to be the outpicturing of the Great White Brotherhood. This is to take place in a very real and meaningful way on the physical plane of Earth. For this reason, teachings regarding some of the inner activities of the Hierarchy and their significance shall continue.

I want you to comprehend the importance of these teachings. It is my heartfelt prayer that each of you will take note of what is being taught to you at the personal level and I pray that you will respond with full understanding and cooperation quickly. When this takes place, all your brothers and sisters in the Family of Man will follow suit. This will be in part by your example. It will also be due to the fact that you will then be qualified through experience, as well as through counsel given you over the years, to teach and lead them more efficiently toward the mutual goal.

Now, as we approach the New Year of 1992, it is time to review the work of 1991, and to clear up anything that you feel could impede you in any way. I ask that you review your petitions submitted in June, and reflect upon the efforts that you have invested in them. Review any of my letters that you so desire, and anchor in your consciousness the points that seem most important to you.

Your progress continues to be very significant to the Spiritual Hierarchy, because you are our contacts in the physical plane. Each and every one of you must become more aware of this fact, and meditate upon the part of the Divine Plan that is yours to fulfill.

If problems occur, it is often due to the lack of understanding and acceptance of the importance of your individual contributions to the Plan of the Lord of the World and his Spiritual Hierarchy on behalf of all life on Earth. I do not say this to cause you undue concern, for no man is given more of the group plan than he has the capability to fulfill. However, as you have been taught over the years, if any one individual's part of a plan is not fulfilled, it must be taken care of by another Being. Otherwise, the plan for the Earth's evolution may be affected or delayed in some way, however small.

As you receive my advice, please accept my Love for you, for no censure is intended. I merely remind you of that which you already know. My teaching is intended to assist your spiritual progress as individuals. Also, I hope to unite your efforts to accelerate all concerned. I know that you are aware of this, and that your hearts are also in attunement with the larger plan. All must work together to bring forth the externalization discussed by beloved Master El Morya. My counsel will assist you in practical ways and means of accelerating the process, both for personal and group consciousness.

As you review your petitions of June, think about the work ahead. Ask the Holy Christ Self to guide you in formulating your next petition. Begin to think about the needs of the World at present, and how you wish to help. In December we shall once again be together for the Petition Classes. It will be a time for the Harvest of 1991 from the Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings, and all of you--our chelas--to be placed before Beloved Lord Gautama. Together, let us make this Harvest one to be remembered for its bounty, from which we may feed the Earth and all her evolutions with the combined Love, Truth, and Healing of our hearts.

Enfolded in my Love, I AM John, the Beloved









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