The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 13, Number 50                                                                                                                   December 13, 1991


Beloved Chelas,

In just a few days you will be starting your consultations about the petitions with the Ascended Masters or their representatives at the Great Teton Retreat. Of course, some discussions have already taken place, as many of you have begun your preparations earlier, as I suggested. With your petitions in hand, or perhaps just with questions on your mind, you will be meeting the Angel of the Scrolls once more.

The Angel of The Scrolls is the one who meets you when you visit the Great Teton Retreat, desiring audience with one of the Chohans, or some other Being of Light with whom you wish to serve. He is the one who accepts your petition, and guides you to the Chamber in which you can receive the assistance you require. He covers you with his Light and Love, understanding fully the deepest desires of your heart and mind, knowing that you wish to serve this beloved planet Earth.

I want to tell you that beloved Micah has served in this capacity before he took embodiment as Jesus, the Christ. He has served the Earth before you. Who could be better prepared to understand how you now feel, as you consider the Earth and its needs?

It is my hope that you will quickly come to understand how close you are to the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus told you that it dwelt within you, and I tell you the same. Enter your heart centers, and let the Kingdom of Heaven surround you, here and now. The Angels are as close to you as any member of your physical families. They desire that you accept their Presence, and their Love for you. 

Can you imagine the development required by any member of the Angelic Kingdom for their service to be expanded to serve a galaxy in some future time as an Archangel? Beloved Archangel Michael, whose love sustains the Earth, is one such example.

Micah, his son, whom I served when he was embodied as Jesus of Nazareth, has requested preparation for such service in a future galaxy. One of the requirements, as beloved Michael has told you, is human evolution. To qualify for service as an Archangel, this must be undertaken, as well as other initiations dealing with Elemental development.

Some of these initiations may be combined in the human evolution, and so it is that you must never underestimate your potential. Only those beings that have great courage and determination can run this course upon the Earth, for you must accomplish so much.

As you prepare for your wider service, know that you have the assistance and the love of all of us who have walked the Earth before you. Think about the Earth, and the best ways you believe you can serve. When you meet the Angel of the Scrolls, accept his Light and Love into your beings and worlds, for he will help you in many, many ways.

Your Friend, John, the Beloved





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