The Shamballa Letter 

VOLUME 12, Number 22                                                                                              June 1st, 1990


My Dear Chelas,

I have called forth the "mother" in each one of you, as I reminded you that the Law of Cosmic Balance requires that you each develop this aspect within yourselves, whether you are male or female! Although I know you have an awareness of this balancing which must take place, it is for the sake of the children and youth of Earth that I write today.

The feminine aspect of each of you is the intuitive part of your nature, and it is your intuition that connects you with the feelings of others. Only through intuition can you enter the world of the child, because most children do not yet have the understanding or the vocabulary to express to you what their needs may be.

The strongest need among all of humanity is the need to learn to think for oneself! I ask that you take time to contemplate this statement. I wish that I was only making this statement in regard to the children and youth of the Earth - but unfortunately - a large percentage of adults on the planet have not yet developed this ability. However, our chelas do think for themselves, or they would not be chelas! That is why we ask your help.

I ask that you give some thought to what I have said - perhaps developing some constructive ideas - especially regarding the educa­tional systems prevailing on the Planet at this time. The shortcoming for the children lies within this system, and also within their home environments. Simply forbidding children to behave in certain ways - or to engage in certain activities - is not enough! Neither is it helpful to simply give permission to their requests, if you happen to think those requests are not harmful to them. The important point is that you must devise ways and means to help the children think, and to assist them in reaching their own conclusions by developing understanding of themselves, each other, and the world they live in.

I also ask that you intensify your use of the Violet Transmuting Flame and your Decrees for this specific purpose, knowing that your every call to Light does so much to help.







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