The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME 10, Number 19                                                                                                            May 10, 1988  


Lady Mercedes:


I will raise you up on Eagle’s Wings and you will soar like a dove.

Dear children.... as you use the Sacred Fire of Transmutation, both in your own lives and to assist others, you will learn many new aspects of Its use.

As you become more and more harmonious in your lives and circumstances through Its use, you will attract those who feel this glorious radiation flowing from your Being.

Individually, you should realize that ’like attracts like'.... and that as you radiate these God Qualities forth, you are widening the borders of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. That which was 'with the Father before all worlds' shall truly manifest on Earth.

For this, give Gratitude and Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and always, as I hold you in the Palm of My Hand.

Lady Mercedes

The Divine Mother




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