The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 10, Number 17                                                                                        April 26, 1988


Lady Mercedes:

I will raise you up on Eagle’s Wings and you will soar like a Dove.

You have heard the statement "Practice makes Perfect" many times. And ¾ you have been told that until you can be an example of what you say, you do not yet understand.

It is important that you practice what you are taught until your actions match your words.

In all your activities be a radiating center of the Qualities and Virtues of your own True Self..... the innermost center of "I AM" Consciousness.

"Practice what you preach" and know always that when you say the words "I AM" that "I AM" you reverently bow, in humility, to the Father-Mother God..... the Supreme Source of ALL LIFE!


Lady Mercedes, The Divine Mother