The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 9, Number 4                                                                                                      January 27, 1987




El Morya:

Greetings, My Beloved Friends of the Ages, I love you. 

The greatest lesson for you to learn is that of the Balanced Activity of Pure Divine Love. Divine Love is primarily and most extensively evident in ALL THE ACTIVITIES OF THE THIRD DAY, the PINK FLAME OF DIVINE LOVE, where tolerance and com­plete understanding of all life holds sway, where your desire for beauty and loveliness puts you in tune with The Infinite. Divine love is not sentimental it is a profound discipline, and God is Love and Love is ALL THERE IS. 

Feel and know that God is Love, and feel that love radiating outwards from the center of your universe, where abides the beautiful Immortal Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth ¾ which is Pure Divine Love. 

It is the Divine Edict that all men shall become Masters of Love in its true sense, and remember that there is no lifestream in all the Great Universe of God who is not in some manner a Dispenser of The Divine Love Element. 

In Divine Love, 

'I AM' El Morya