The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 8, Number 39                                                                                           September 30, 1986 

The Maha Chohan 

The chelas have great difficulty, and actually struggle to attain an understanding of Truth, and to assist you I present the following: 

If you will ask for the Ascended Master Consciousness and the nature of the Ascended Host of Light to interpenetrate your consciousness and understanding of Truth to interpenetrate and become one with your concepts and beliefs you will find this procedure one of the surest ways to draw that Godliness and spirituality which you desire into manifest form. 

Proceed, therefore, in well doing and whosoever seeks does find, and to him who knocks the door to Freedom and Truth shall be opened. 

This is an Eternal Truth, because the energy of the lifestream pressing toward understanding and Godliness is like the electric beams that are now used to open doors to public buildings, such as grocery and department stores.  The very beam of your attention pierces into the Realm of Truth and must bring an answer which contains Truth and Light and Freedom. 

I shall lovingly and gratefully watch your progress I accepting and using the above. 

Paul, The Maha Chohan