The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME 8, Number 48                                                                                                          December 2, 1986 

Caracas, Venezuela

November 30, 1986

Micah, The Angel of Unity 

Gratitude flows unceasingly from my Being for the manner in which our chelas have accepted the Theme and the Thoughtform for the year Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Six. 

In my ministry as the Master Jesus, I endeavored, with the loving assistance of Holy Mary, to set an example for the true way of living which all men can accomplish. 

Great strides were made during the Christian Dispensation, but they were not of a lasting nature, and as the vibratory action of the planet was accelerated in the present Dispensation, many individuals found it difficult to be wayshowers to their compatriots. However, we of the Spiritual Hierarchy, release as much Light as Cosmic Law will allow to impress upon man’s consciousness the Oneness of ALL LIFE. 

Spasmodically, you have made the statement “THE FATHER AND I ARE ONE”.  Many chelas have entered the Sacred Throne of Light of their individual Beings and found the ONENESS – the Christus – feeling and knowing that in “I AM” consciousness is the center and the permanent core of all life. This is the consciousness which all men must accept, in order to return to their rightful state of BEING, UNIFIED and AT ONE with ALL LIFE, wherein the FOUNT OF DIVINE LOVE anoints all. 

On this, the concluding day of the Thanksgiving Seminar, feel, oh feel the LOVE which “I AM” releasing to all life on this planet. 

We, your brothers and sisters in the Heavenly Realms, have walked the path of earth, and are aware of its pitfalls, and commend you for your efforts which are bringing you closer to your rightful estate. 

Anointing you with the Sacred Unction of Divine Love, and expecting you to accept the feeling that in UNITY there is PEACE, LOVE, HARMONY and all the Truths and Gifts of the Kingdom of Heaven, which you will one day know.  











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