The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME VI, Number 48                                                                                                                                 November 27, 1984  




November 22, 1984

The Sun Goddess Lady Vesta 

Oh what a glorious morning, the Light shining from this Holy Focus is magnificent! 

Kindly visualize the Cosmic Dove of the Holy Spirit spreading its Light, its Love, in adoration all over this Planet. Now see the glorious Light of all Life responding to the Radiation which is going all over this Earth, bringing Comfort and Peace and Happiness to all Life. The Elementals are rejoicing in a transcendent manner for the cooperation which has been given them this year. 

If you will think of them as little sparkling fairy-like beings joining their hearts as One, and pausing in adoration to thank the One Source for their privilege of being, and serving. And of course we know how very active the Angelic Host is at all times. They are so grateful to be given recognition and be called on for service because every time you make a call to any part of Life, that component responds to the energy, the Radiation, which you have sent forth and it is enlarged and enlarged until in the Oneness of Life, everyone (in no matter what state of Consciousness) is affected. 

I pause because a tremendous Benediction of Light is being bestowed upon you and all Life; particularly will it be felt in all parts of the planet where recognition is being given to this day of Gratitude. 

The Planet Earth looks like a crystalline Globe with the Golden Light of the Sun interpenetrating it. And we must always remember the Sacred Violet Fire – blessed, blessed Violet Fire, the Fire of Transmutation which Saint Germain brought to Earth to redeem all Life. In that redemption does Freedom come! That is why Saint Germain’s Star has been referred to as “Freedom’s Holy Star”. The word “Freedom” means so much in any language – free from all fetters – Pure, Perfect, Crystalline and that crystalline substance reflects the Radiation which you and all Life release. 

Today I see a mighty Radiation of Divine Love. Love is engendered in many ways, even by those who do not really appreciate the meaning of the celebration of “Thanksgiving”. The Happiness of loved ones gathered together in a reunion of family and friends awaiting a bountiful repast. The substance of which I wish you to partake, especially today, is that of the Flaming Presence of Gratitude… to the One Great Source, for the privilege of serving, and that serving means releasing the Radiation of the One Source “I AM”. 

Join with me, my beloved ones, as I pause for a moment in a silent prayer of Gratitude… and now that Love, the sincerity of your feelings, will be your gift of Thanksgiving to all Life – all the Elemental Life; Elemental Life is present everywhere, composing your Beings and in all the Kingdoms; every cell is a beautiful sparkling Star of Light. 

Now beloved Helios wishes me to tell you how very grateful he is that you are helping us bring one of our children home – (the sweet, sweet Earth). And this is the result of your loving Service to all Life. The Love, the Light, which you have sent forth, are sending forth and shall continue to, will see her safely into the Orbit in which she belongs, in the accelerated Radiation which is now coming forth. Every day, every minute, every hour in the Eternal Now, all Life in this System of Worlds is rising, rising into a higher Vibration. 

Thank you and God bless you,

Lady Vesta