The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME VI, Number 19                                                                                                             May 8, 1984  


Lord Kamakura

May 6, 1984 

Children of the Universe, I bow in reverence to the Light of your Beings, that Light which forms the Consciousness of the Almighty One, “I AM”. 

In the Light of early morning I greet you and I ask you each day to greet that Light of the morning and you shall raise your consciousness until you become that Sun of Light, that beautiful Sun as we all blend into the One Consciousness. 

Remember our teachers Lord Lanto, Confucius and others who have taught the way of the Orient: that is, Reverence for Life. That is the secret: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Love thy neighbor as thyself, thy True Self, knowing always that energy which you release travels and travels on its path and in a circle returns to you at some time on your journey on this path to be a blessing, or something which you have to transmute. It is the irrefutable Law of Life; that which one sends out must return. 

Feel the Love which we send to you from our Focus at Mount Fuji. We have such Reverence for Life, and when you come to us in consciousness feel that Love. As you come to us in your etheric garment at night completely surrender all your vehicles, so that when you return to your garments in the morning you will know that God Illumination through Wisdom which you will receive truly does transmutation take place. Oh the compassionate Love of Lady Sengen Sama. She is so beautiful, she loves all Life with such understanding that it is impossible to convey in words. One must understand through feeling what Compassion means. As Patriarch of this Retreat I AM so grateful she is the Hierarch. Every Breath, every Radiation that flows through her Being is one of Compassionate Love. That is understanding and helping those who need assistance on their daily journey. 

Whether it is to understand the meaning of the growing flowers, the enfolding petals, or whether it is to give greater Illumination, to teach the Word of God “I AM” to all life by example. Oh, example is important. It is necessary to know that the example you set will help your fellow traveler and the example, of course, has to express through radiation. When you speak the radiation of Love should go forth. For instance, whether it has to be in a forceful manner to impress the Truth on someone’s consciousness or in a loving feeling of understand what the other individual may be going through.  

We see naught but Light in all life, for no matter how it is qualified, where there is life there is Light. 

Dear children of this vast Universe, you are rising, rising daily in consciousness as your vibratory action is accelerated you need to be understanding. Understand your fellow traveler on the same level because you are speaking to the Christ within that unfolding Christ. How beautiful to realize that all Life which you revere is God! 

Feel the Love we send to you, our brothers and sisters, the Love which is as gentle as a breath of air and as powerful as the mighty wind in its caressing, enfolding Love, whether in gentleness or in great power. Every radiation which goes forth from your Being should be that of loving understanding, and we expect by the end of this Retreat Cycle you will find your feeling raised to a different level. You will find there is gentleness from within as you understand your fellow traveler. Know thyself and you will know all Life because you are part of that Life! We are all ONE in the great Universal Heart of the Almighty “I AM”. 

We continuously ask you and turn your attention to “I AM” and when you make that statement, and feel in your heart “I AM THAT I AM” in my fellow traveler, “I AM THAT I AM” in all Kingdoms for “I AM” thee and thou art me. “I AM” God in its entirety of “I AM” Consciousness. 

As you turn your attention to all the brothers and sisters at the Royal Tetons, those who have served there and are still doing so, Lord Lanto, Dwjal Khul, Confucius and many others. Feel the shining Light of God Illumination come from them as we serve in unison, for Reverence, Reverence for all Life – that is what all Life must know. 

I have come to counsel you and say in a few words… have thou reverence for all life, and so it shall be unto you, each one. 

Lord Kamakura






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