The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME IV, Number 39                                                                                                          September 28, 1982 

Beloved Lady Nada

I AM your Spiritual Sister Nada speaking to you from the Retreat of the Beloved God and Goddess Meru at Titicaca, and as you read these words you will feel an enfolding Mantle of the Golden Flame of God Illumination with a Pink Radiance of Love Divine. As you in turn send forth this vibration everyone in your immediate compass will be blessed thereby – then joining with an ever-present compatible radiation the Earth sphere will receive an added impetus of this so necessary unction. 

What specifically are the chelas endeavoring to accomplish this year… to saturate the Earth with the Eternal Light of God Illumination from the Sun of Beloved Helios and Vesta, focused through Beloved Kenich Ahan at Uxmal and its many channels – blessed by the enfolding Cosmic Christ Love of our Regent, Sanat Kumara. 

You will perhaps remember an embodiment of mine where I remained in the background in a family environment and assisted my sisters to the status they desired. Today, as always, I am endeavoring to do the same for each of you, and in like manner you shall enrich all life. As you feel yourself within this insulating Light of Golden and Pink Essence every fiber of your being, all components, are being raised to a higher rate of vibration as the dross of human creation becomes non-existent. In this radiation you can be a channel of this so required radiation to this Earth (which is undergoing a ‘gentle’ purification) each lifestream receiving a different experience according to his own radiation or the energy rate to which he is attuned. Through this simple expedience of accepting the blessing we are channeling to the Earth all will feel a notable sense of Peace… and many seemingly insurmountable world-wide problems will be diminished.  

Many years ago I made a statement “He who possesses and uses the Power of Divine Love is within the Heart of Peace”. I now invite you to feel the happiness of my honored service and enter deeply within the Heart of Love Divine, as I stretch forth my arms and beckon you to become so immersed in this substance that you will experience the ecstasy of dwelling in the Heart of Love, your True Reality.

Lady Nada

A Member of the Karmic Board