The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME IV -  Number 12                                                                                                      March 23, 1982


Beloved Lady Nada

My beloved brothers and sisters traveling the Path of Light, I am privileged in having this opportunity of reminding you how much I love you! Yes, I love all life. That is a forgone conclusion for an Ascended Being, however, as I look into your hearts and see the Joy of service which you are experiencing there arises in my Being a complementary feeling which I am expanding to envelop you in its Holy Embrace. 

With the efforts being made by the chelas all over the Planet to attain God Illumination, it is very rewarding to the glorious Sun Gods, Helios and Vesta. That radiation of gratitude flows on the Direct Ray to the Focus of Light Eternal at Uxmal under the gracious guidance of mighty Kenich Ahan. Being a messenger from the Retreat of Beloved God and Goddess Meru, another fount of great illumination and recipient of that coursing Ray from Uxmal, you can readily see how grateful I am to be here at Titicaca today, and standing within this constantly flowing Light of God Illumination. I have the honor of directing that glorious substance into your beings and worlds, energizing the Light of God Illumination which is so active this year, enabling this dear Earth to release an increased radiation an aura exceeding that of many a year. 

Peoples in all areas are experiencing a stirring within, a feeling of restoration, of courage and willingness to experiment with modified ways of living, and this is due to the cooperation the chelas are giving us, for the more Light, Love and Unity of the Christ you experience the greater the outpouring of Light to the Planet in its entirety. In very simple terms I can say, we are so grateful. Be of good cheer for the Spiritual Hierarchy is witnessing a tremendous breakthrough in the former rockbound consciousness of the people walking this Earth, notwithstanding the outer turmoil in many areas This is simply the uprooting and bringing to the surface the causes and cores of imperfection which you, the chelas, can transmute by the Sacred Fire. 

The Angel of Restoration has Legions of his Angels assigned to the Earth at this time and through the feeling they are releasing to the receptive, with might Lord Michael’s and Lady Astraea’s activity of the Circle and the Sword of Blue Flame, and the vacuum like energy of the Violet Fire, so much of the effluvia in, through and around the Earth is rising heavenward for re-polarization. 

I rejoice with you, for you are preparing well for the Feast of Resurrection on Easter Morn. 

Your Sister in the Light








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