The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME IV, Number 10                                                                                                      March 9, 1982 


BELOVED GODFRE                                                                                                                                                                        March 7, 1982

Dear precious hearts of Light, I love you. Oh how I love you.  

This is a very important retreat cycle, for this month so much can be accomplished for the improvement, the purification, of this dear Planet and all her evolutions. 

You know I think back to the days when I walked the Earth and what was required of me to carry on the great service of the Brotherhood, and as I gaze upon you my heart is filled with such deep, deep gratitude for the service which you are rendering. 

As the tones of the Bell of Liberty ring out constantly from the Temple of our Beloved Goddess of Liberty may each one of you sound the true tone of your Being to add to the Symphony of the Spheres, each word, each thought, each feeling a beautiful note in this Cosmic Symphony. You know, as has been told and written, that to attain Freedom – Spiritual Freedom or any kind of freedom, one must be obedient… obedient to the Will of God. Every individual on this Planet is here for the specific reason that he or she came to express the Will of God. When you are disobedient and giving forth negative thoughts and feelings to any part of life, you are not expressing the Will of God. To give a very simple and perhaps crude expression, as you have seen graffiti written on buildings in your various cities, defacing the original edifice, mankind of Earth have clothed themselves in the ‘graffiti’ of human will… disobedience to the Law of the Almighty! 

I am appealing to you today, imploring you, to use the Sacred Fire and ask the mighty Lady Astraea, Beloved Lord Michael, Saint Germain and all the Legions of Light to transmute this disgrace; I use the word disgrace which is clothing the great majority on this Earth! If you believe that you are in embodiment as ambassadors of the Will of God, THIS YOU CAN DO! You can accomplish it this very month! Hold high the Torch of Liberty, and as you walk among men our Beloved Lady, the Goddess of Liberty will make of you a Flaming Torch of Light… nothing of the human expression; just dedicated Light Bearers. Is that not indeed a privilege? 

We are specifically all through this year, endeavoring in all ways we could find to present to you the importance of being the Christ Consciousness, the Christ in action, not sporadically but at all times. 

With all the Love of my Being, as I look upon the chelas all over the Planet, I see the Christ Consciousness expressing more frequently and soon with this very Heart Center sending out the Love, the Light, the Balance which is blazing here at all times in the Etheric Realms, sending it out in greater magnitude to all mankind, you will see, you will witness a great transformation in this Planet Earth! 

Already we are very grateful to see any programs on television and in the various news media where individuals are endeavoring to help those who require assistance in their daily living, so that they may get more understanding and with understanding the Light of the World shall manifest! The word ‘understanding’ is so misunderstood. One does not understand anything unless he is an expression thereof – be it a quality or some form of service. 

I want you, I wish you to think upon our Focus of Obedience. It is so beautiful. It is such a restful place. You know when you sit in a garden or beside a lake or stream of water, the tranquility which encompasses your being when you are in a state of Grace is well worth any effort it required for you to still your outer self. 

I pray; I beg of you – from this day forward, be the Will of God in action... recognizing that your lower vehicles can be, and are your willing servants – vehicles through which the Christ may preside over all activities. Think upon that for a moment… Visualize yourself as a Flaming Presence of the Almighty - your Divine Reality - Love, Wisdom and Power - one mighty Flame going forth everywhere… be it in your home moving about the various rooms, in a small apartment or traveling all over the globe - anywhere you may be. It is my humble request that you be a Focus of Obedience and I know you will for I feel your love as I speak these words - a blazing Torch of Liberty, liberating all mankind and this dear Earth from the negative action of oppression. 

So dear hearts of Light, I have just said a few words to you but they come with the sincerity of my Being. I would take you each one and embrace you - put my arms about you - and say ‘I put my Trust in you’. I know that no matter what disciplines may occur, you will be obedient to the Law of the One - the Eternal Reality, of which we are all a part. 

I bless you with my love and sincerely thank you. 


Hierarch, the Focus of Obedience





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