The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members


VOLUME IV, Number 1                                                                                                                        January 5, 1982



Beloved Paul – The Maha Chohan 

Man is living in four spheres as regards his outer self. His physical body lives in the physical world, his etheric body in a stratum of etheric energy, his mental body in a stratum of mental energy and his emotional body in a stratum of water element. You can visualize these like layers of a cake – just as the exhaled breath of one of mankind becomes the property of all the race and is breathed in by all the other billions of people in the course of time, and just as there is no man so pure or exalted who can escape without breath and maintain a physical form, so there is no lifestream who can avoid sharing the effluvia of the etheric, mental or emotional substance in which those bodies corresponding to that stratum, and belonging to his lifestream dwell. We will, therefore, see that the condition of the physical air will affect the nature of our bodies, and that the condition of the inner atmosphere of the lower planes must affect tangibly the peace and power of our inner vehicles.  

In order to give mankind a forward impetus, every twelve months the Cosmic Law allows more Light to be poured into these four planes in which the uncontrolled vehicles of the masses are temporarily bound. This Light as it comes from the Heart of God carries a certain vibration within it. The vibration of the Light forms a tendency or a pressure of energy which plays upon the inner bodies, and because it is not resisted, affects the natures of the people in a constructive manner. They feel that this stirring of good coming from within themselves need not be denied, and it is therefore an impetus toward soul growth and evolution. These great currents are what have always caused the making of New Year’s resolutions, and the desire in the hearts of all to set a new course, pattern and path for the next twelve month period. 

These vibrations that are fed into the stratum above referred to are directed by the Silent Watcher and the Great Beings referred to as the Great White Brotherhood, and there is a different pattern each year according to the particular need of the inner bodies of the people. That pattern of energy may be strong in Faith, Devotion, Patriotism, Beauty, Freedom, Love… any one of the Qualities of the Divine Nature that are most required for the evolution of man. 

At the Royal Teton the Perfected Beings press this pattern, which is to form the predominant current of feeling in the race for the year, into the people of Earth, and it is for them to endeavor to abide within that pattern, and to lead their fellowman to like cooperation with the Keynote of the year. The wise chela will realize then his responsibility to keep the Theme for the year - “Through adherence to Truth and the use of the Sacred Fires of Purification, God Illumination will result” - in the forefront of his consciousness, in order to assist the Spiritual Hierarchy to accomplish the Pattern for the Year.

The Maha Chohan







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