The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME III, Number 9                                                                                                                                   March 3, 1981 


Beloved Lady Portia

Good Morning, I am Lady Portia, Goddess of Justice and Opportunity. Thank you for standing. Kindly be seated. 

I am here today on behalf of our Beloved Lord and King, the Ascended Master Saint Germain… I DEMAND JUSTICE for all life on this Planet and to you I present the Opportunity! 

Now we know that the Heart of Government is centered in Washington, DC and I want you to visualize the tremendous Legions of all the Beings of the Seventh Ray just saturating and saturating and saturating all Government buildings in Washington as well as the so called “Embassy Row”. We send these Legions and they shall go into every building that is stationed there in Washington and they are going to get a mighty drenching of the Violet Fire! And in the Complex over Washington today stands Beloved Micah, (Arch)Angel of Unity, blazing and blazing and blazing the Cosmic Flame of Unity to all as well! 

Now… the best way for the family of man to express… and of course man includes the elementals… are not your vehicles composed of the elementals… is through Love of the visible elemental life that you can see around you. At this time in the new Government of these United States the entire world is looking to see what pattern shall come forth… and I demand JUSTICE shall be done in all departments and an example set so that all Nations on this dear Earth can follow the Divine Principle of Life… And as in the case of the old saying “follow the leader”… the Leaders are those of each country whose conduct and character affects its peoples. You have but to look at the television and read in the papers of the unrest, the intrigue and the injustice all over this planet… but through the same media I am happy to see many, many worthwhile programs coming forth where men and women and groups in all denominations are realizing that something must be done and the voice within – their own God Presence, is directing them to present to the onlookers and the readers a better way of life. This is evident in many plays and songs which are coming forth, and it is just like a scale, with which I am often depicted – the Scale of Justice, when there is too much on the dark or negative side you must raise the other side of the scale and draw it up, draw it up, draw it up until we have perfect balance… the Balance of Love, Wisdom and of Power – the Three-fold Flame in action, in perfect balance. 

Now I believe most of you know that you have a Causal Body – if you didn’t you wouldn’t be here. I want you to take a private vow and during your individual contemplation your God Presence will show you what particular qualification you have in your Causal Body to serve at this time – at this important moment! Take that Virtue… take it, send it out to anybody, to the Planet itself, to any action that you wish to redeem. I feel sure that we will have great success… not one pattern… of course that is all right in joint activity, but each one has a gift or gifts that are required at this time… through no sense of the outer self… but knowing that the precious gifts which are yours, of which you have built a momentum can and must be given to all life. If we are all sending out the same color at the same time… one Virtue, one Ray, well and good… but how about the others! We need them all for Balance… and BALANCE THIS PLANET I SHALL WITH HELP OF GOD!!! 

I remember, oh I remember, several years ago when my Beloved Saint Germain was in contemplation and I came upon him, and there he was holding the Earth… cradling the Earth… to his bosom praying to the Infinite Source of All that Perfection, and that his Love would bring forth what was intended for this dear Earth! Oh… my… God, the devotion of Saint Germain to his sweet Earth, and so that sweet Earth shall express in all its beauty and perfection. Several years have elapsed since that time and slowly, slowly we have seen the pleased Radiation of his Being, knowing that some dedicated chelas would bring to fruition the Vision which he held unwaveringly for this Earth. 

I know you love him as I do, and his Palace of Man’s Purpose indicates that the purpose of man is to realize that he is a Cell, a glorious Cell, in the Heart of the Infinite.  

I hope you do not think that I have been very forceful for your liking… at times it is necessary! 

I would just like to add a few more words… shortly we shall reveal to you the mighty expanded projects we have for the New Age Church of the Christ. We will not, I use the word advisedly “unload” them on you immediately. For some might say “My God how are we going to do all that!” You must avail yourself of the opportunities which I have the privilege of telling you about today – not the specific opportunity do I tell you, but many great plans are being lowered and soon shall manifest before your very eyes! 

I, the Goddess of Justice and Opportunity salute the Light within your hearts and I enfold you in the combined Love of my Beloved and myself. 

Thank you.









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