The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME III, Number 8                                                                                                                         February 24, 1981 


Beloved Maha Chohan

The Masters who are active in the Great White Brotherhood whose desire and design it is to establish God’s Will on Earth numbers in the thousands of intelligent and able-bodied Beings who are the product of Earth evolution, as well as many more who have volunteered to join in this task from Venus and other Stars of the System. It is not required that an individual to be an earth body to become a member of this brotherhood… motive alone is the criterion by which the Soul and its service is measured. 

At the present critical hour in the Earth’s progress when so much is weighed in the balance, with turmoil all over the planet, we witness Nature’s clean and devastating upheavals. I believe it will be of some interest and gratitude to know we have sent into the atmosphere of the Earth many members of our brotherhood who are taking up positions of strategic importance where their radiation, and actual Flaming Presence will serve as protective Powers, normalizing the illumined and sustaining the unawakened.  

A number of these Beings have entered the Islands in and around the Caribbean, and up and around the Island of Cuba proper, because the vortex of natural cataclysmic activity (as witnessed by the cradle that spews forth the hurricanes in such great numbers) is localized at that place. Individuals therefore who are embodied in that vital section will have at this time a tremendous assurance of their spiritual strength and can draw on the substance of the Masters as fully as they do on the Sun, the Air and Water. They will likewise be held responsible for an intensification of their own individual capacity to hold balance and protection and to draw purification into these vortices that shall be no more. In certain sections of California you will find tremendous vortices where the earth on previous occasions first loosed its mooring and which forged perhaps weaker links in the chain. And the intensive quakes that shook Italy and elsewhere are “writing on the wall” for those who care to read; not to suggest fear or uncertainty or confusion… but to encourage the strength and vitalizing power of the chela’s soul do I speak.  

This message is just to encourage you, as you know of the great turmoil on the various parts of their dear Earth, that you have dedicated friends in the brotherhood who await with gratitude and interest your calls for the vitalization of your own vicinity and of all portions of this globe.  

From your friend and counselor who serves constantly with all the Elemental Kingdom. 

I Am, Paul, the Maha Chohan