The Shamballa Letter


VOLUME III, Number 15                                                                                                                             April 14, 1981



Children of Light there are few on this Earth who realize the true meaning of the Resurrection story and blessed are you who accept the teachings of the Spiritual Hierarchy, for you will be the recipients of the Highest Vibration from the glorious (Arch)Angel Micah yet to be released since the ‘fall of man’. You dear ones, are truly anointed of the Lord, all mankind will be uplifted according to their consciousness and to the degree they accept the example which Beloved Jesus came to Earth to manifest. 

Let us review some important aspects of the Master Jesus’ mission, for the time has arrived when you should emulate his example – through your radiation of the Divine Principle of Life for the benefaction of all mankind. 

When the Master Jesus took an Earthly form he came to teach the peoples of his age and succeeding generations the Law of the One God. His Spirit was highly evolved and all his lower vehicles had been prepared for centuries for the incarnation in which he would express the fullness of the Cosmic Christ, the Illumined One, the forerunner of the human race… the first flower in the garden of humanity – the hope of the future and the comfort of the present. 

When such a mighty Spirit takes incarnation the Essence of his message and the power of his mission is within him, even as the oak tree lies hidden in the acorn but, the unfoldment, the awakening and expression of that spiritual nature must take place in a natural manner even through the most illumined. 

You, beloved ones, took a vow before coming into embodiment and knew the importance of that declaration. You can now through your developed consciousness BE the out-picturing of the example the Master expressed; because you have been prepared through the instruction, guidance and radiation of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Truly your consciousness has reached a level where you can be that example, bringing to fruition your vow to bring in the Permanent Golden Age of the Beloved Saint Germain, our Lord and King. I would remind you Saint Germain was the earthly father of the Master Jesus (the beloved Joseph) and is guiding you with the same Love and anticipation he held for his son… and you can now be free from the fetters of the human consciousness at any time, according to your acceptance. 






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