Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

 Volume 28, No. 8                                                                                                                        May 20, 1979


Blessed Chelas: 

A beautiful Message of Love and Light is given to you in the following Release from Beloved LaMorae, at the Transmission of the Flame Ceremony last evening....

 Beloved LaMorae:

May 19, 1979 

"Good evening beautiful Rays of Light flowing from the Heart of God your own Holy Christ Self, I salute that Expression of Divinity!     Please be seated. 

As I enfold you in the glorious Essence of the Flame of Harmony, it is my heart desire that you will be able to realize the unprecedented opportunity you have in this wonderful Year of Decision.... a time when it is of the utmost importance that you become an Expression of the Will of God at all times. 

Those of you who have really pondered what has been presented to you to emulate through the activity of the Sponsors of this year, and the Thought Form, know that these Beings are chosen after much consideration as to who could best bring to the attention of mankind what is required for the twelve month period. 

And all should bow their heads to the Light, the Wisdom, of the beloved Lord of the World Gautama as he serves but to carry out the Cosmic Design given to him through the Hearts of the Great Central Sun to carry out the Plan for this System, in specific relation: to the Earth, born from the Hearts of the Sun Gods, Helios and Vesta. As you well know, this Planet for centuries was as a delinquent child in their family of planets and every assistance was given to this orb to bring her into line, so to speak, scientifically! I most humbly counsel you to remember the tremendous sacrifice of the Beloved Sanat Kumara and the Love of his beloved Lady Venus. 

Praise God, the chelas and all dedicated lifestreams are beginning to receive, and accept: the Message that it is time they, too, served side by side with the Sponsors, as well as all the Spiritual Hierarchy... through the magnificent opportunity which is being given for all to become the Christ in Action by-reason of the expanded Ra­diation and information which is being released. 

Truly you have been impressed, those of you who have pondered the fact that the Elohim of the First Ray, Beloved Hercules, is sending the Essence of the Will of God into this Planet and all her evolutions that the First Ray signifies the Primary Activity of Precipitation... and that Activity is the WILL of GOD, expressed!!! You are becoming more responsive to this and the meaning thereof. It is decreed that all the Planets shall move forward in orderly sequence in the Cosmic Scheme of Things, and to do so the WILL of GOD must manifest for the Earth! 

Let the human consciousness "go by the board" ¾ enter and remain in the Christ Con­sciousness and more quickly and efficiently serve with us in this glorious Plan which is being precipitated for the Earth! Daily we see from our Realms the greater expression of Light hereon! Blessed ones, you will soon be further aware of what is taking place in the Heavenly Realms, as well as here on Earth. And it is for this reason that our Focus at Madagascar is particularly intensified at this hour. You well know that the Seven Rays are all energized in conjunction with the Retreat of Light Eternal at Yucatan, and they all go into, through and around the Earth constantly.... raising, raising all her evolutions ¾ bringing a higher rate of vibration to the just and so-called unjust alike. 

I also lovingly counsel you to remember that when you tie into my Radiation that it also embraces the beautiful Focus over Waikiki. Direct your consciousness to the Temple of Harmony, and through the playing of the lovely Keynote "On Wings of Song" you will be the recipients of the Essence of Harmony from the gathered-momentum there, a Quality so required at all times. Our Brotherhood will be only too happy to assist you to main­tain that Radiation. 

Consider for a moment how you feel when you listen to and enjoy a rendition of a beautiful musical composition... the feeling of exhilaration, the upliftment of consciousness you experience… and now think of the glorious Harmony constantly flowing from this Focus at Madagascar, and of the mighty Kenich Ahan also saturating the Planet with Light Eternal. You will remember that this Focus at Yucatan has a Direct Ray, from the Hearts of the glorious Sun Gods, Helios and Vesta. 

Dear ones, the privilege which is yours in being permitted to join with us in this magnificent service of expanding the Light of the Planet and her evolutions... adding to the Overall Light of the Universe! It is an honor and certainly a great privilege to be a member of a renowned Symphony...true! But realize, oh realize what is being done for YOU as a contributing Member of the Harmony of the Spheres as you serve through the Perfection of your Christ Self. 

This is a night which will make a great impression on the Aura of the Planet... see this blessed Orb with all the Colors of the Seven Rays forming that Corona, each giving forth the Radiation in individual and combined Service... and this activity will continue all through this Cycle... and we are anticipating when the Great Karmic Board convenes at the Temple of Precipitation next month that the chelas will have a beautiful record of accomplishment for the six months of this year to place before that august body! 

Beloved Kenich Ahan has graciously consented to be here this evening, and we shall, in unison, breathe on the Flame of Harmony to nourish this Planet. Visualize this glorious Light flowing through the Golden Sunburst over our Temple, with the Light of the Seven Rays releasing their Flames... and the Angels of Harmony serving as an Escort! 

We have provided an amphitheater of gigantic size in the form of a brilliant Sunburst, hoping that mankind will be attracted to its beneficent Radiation... thus energizing the Light of their beings by its soothing Essence of Harmony ¾ bringing Peace to their minds, bodies and souls... now, my beloved Co-servers, I thank you for your most gracious acceptance of my message and so-loving Radiation, and I anticipate witnessing an expanded Radiation of Harmony flowing from you to further enrich this dear Earth and all Her evo­lutions... Thank you, again." 

You should now feel tremendously blessed for the Radiation of the beloved Master of Harmony has been flowing through His every Word…       God bless you. 

Love and Blessings








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