Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 28, No. 14                                                                                                                                        July 1, 1979


Blessed Ones: 

The following is the conclusion of the Important Message of Beloved Micah, the Cosmic Christ, released to you in last week's BULLETIN… 

Beloved Micah speaks:                            

                   June 8, 1979 

"There were many times when I had to tell my disciples things that referred to me personally, as Jesus, but most of the time I spoke from the Christ and this was and IS my true Individuality... just as it is yours! Most of my statements, ascribed to me in the Bible, that contain the words "I AM" or "me" refer to this individuality, and as such do not, have any connection whatsoever with the outer vehicle... named Jesus, through which I, the Christ, walked the Earth. My Disciples did not fully recognize this and, during the short time that we were together, became more and more dependent upon me, little realizing that each of them would ... one day not too distant... have the same powers as I; for they did not know that I would be leaving them so soon. 

I came to establish a new way of Life on Earth, and to a certain extent I succeeded, though not as well as we had hoped. I knew that after I left, that my precious band of disciples would have to carry on without me and, for this, it was required to invest them with the same Powers that I had as the Christ. For this to happen, they would each have to become the Christ, so that my mission would not die. Now there would be more like me to go forth throughout the world and let all mankind know the Truth for the New Age that came into being with me. 

On the day of Pentecost, each one of those present received a tremendous infusion of the Light of God "I AM", and at that moment they became one with their Individualized God Presence within their Hearts... and became the Christ! The Light that came down into them filled their beings with such intensity that there was no room for imperfection, and thus they were given the Gift of the Christ Presence. 

This is what I came to give to mankind. I, as a Messenger from the Heart of God, came with this message that through a special Dispensation, your Father-Mother God was partially restoring to you a semblance of your former glory that you had before the world was as it is now. I was given instruction and training on how I was to do this, before taking embodiment. I was to show mankind the outpicturing within him and what man could become. 

The visitation of the Holy Spirit, on the day of Pentecost, was necessary infusion because without this my disciples would have continued on as before and would never have manifested the Christ. Then mankind 'would have looked to me as the exception rather than the New Rule. Unfortunately, there has slowly come to be a part of man's thinking that since I was the "Son of God", that there is no hope for him to be ever like me. I have said it before, and I will say it again, "Whatsoever I have done, ye shall do also... and more than this ye shall do!" I had to submit to all that you are exposed to in order to break through the human and attain Christhood. Admittedly, before me there was no Christhood, because this was a special gift that was provided as a goal of attainment for each incarnated lifestream that took embodiment during the Christian Dispensation. However, you have always had an Individualized I AM Presence within, and but few really know its true potential or meaning. 

Let the Light from the Universal I AM Presence of God come into your beings today, just as my disciples received the Holy Spirit of God in an era long since passed. This Spirit is all that you need for your life. It contains within it the attributes of all the Seven Rays and it is through this Life and Light that you will be made whole - wholly within the Spirit, and ONE with God "I AM"! 

Beloved Holy Æolus, the Cosmic Holy Spirit, merely serves to assist in the channeling of this Light to the Earth and other Planets in this and through his son, Paul the Venetian - he has a Representative on this Planet. This is why Beloved Paul is called the Maha Chohan - the Overseer of the Chohans of the Rays, who see to it that each attribute of the Spirit of God is channeled to mankind to assist in their development. 

Just as I said to my Disciples, I also say to you now. "If I do not go, the Comforter will not come!" Man has to learn to rely on his true Individuality and not on outward appearances. There are so many that are awaiting my return and for hundreds of years have looked to me to do for them the very things that they need to learn to do for themselves. If I came now, man would be no better off and that is why my coming again is being disguised, I am coming in a manner other than is expected, for I wish man to learn the means of centering himself within his God Presence rather than look at me as his "Source of Divinity". "I AM" but one of the many sons of Heaven and there are so many more that are greater than I. Eventually, I suppose, I shall manifest myself for all to see but this will not be until man can truly accept me as "I AM". I do not wish to be worshipped, and for me to come again now would only serve to perpet­uate the myth that I am the Savior. "I AM" the Christ, and the Christhood is the Savior of Man... not Jesus. 

Very shortly, I will be amongst you and you will know that I have come again, as, promised. Through this specially prepared Spiritual Activity, of which you are privi­leged to be a part, there shall be released Spiritual Truths of shattering significance - Truths that will burst asunder the human concepts of the centuries, and that will lay bare the Law for all to see and understand. This is a new dispensation now, and beloved Saint Germain is to be to you as I was to the Christian Dispensation. He has requested of me as to whether I would like to assist him with his mission, to which I enthusiastically responded with a resounding "I will come and serve again!" You and I are going to be working closer together than ever before, and we will be meeting often. 

There shall be new ceremonies inaugurated in the very near future that will greatly affect everyone on Earth, and are designed to hasten their development just as we had special ceremonies in the Christian Church. You will be coming to know the Activity of the Holy Spirit as never before and through this, each one of you will become one with your Father-Mother God and the sons and daughters of Heaven - the Spiritual Hierarchy. Then you will know what it means to be a Disciple of the Holy Spirit. This time is not far off, so until that time I urge you to get your "house" in order… 

"I AM" the Vine, and my God - the Universal "I AM" Presence - the Holy Spirit that beats our hearts, is the Vinedresser... the Light that flows constantly into your Heart from the Father of all Life. It is important that you realize your true potential today, and ripens on the Vine, for I warn you now that if you do not you will be cut off and cast away. Think on this, and accept the Truth whereof I speak. Let a word to the wise be sufficient. 

God bless you my friends, "I AM" Micah… the Cosmic Christ

I hopefully pray that you have taken the preceding week's message to your hearts, and that you receive the FULL IMPORT of this week's as you digest its meaning. 

Love and Blessings, THE MAHA CHOHAN






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