Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 27, No. 11                                                                                                                              June 11, 1978


Beloved Ones: 

Regarding admission to truly serving with the Spiritual Hierarchy, I would like to remind you that it is the Soul and not the Mind which stands in application before the Hierarchy for admittance, because the strength and Light within the Soul determines, not only the capacity, but the Will, which the applicant can offer to the cause. 

There are many Souls whose capacity is great but who will not link the power of the will to the capacity, or do not have perhaps the one-pointedness of will required to set the powerful machinations with the natural capacity for good into motion. 

When the applicant for admission to this Universal Order dedicated to mankind's Freedom stands before the Hierarchy the motive determines his acceptance or temporary rejection. His capacity and will to serve determine his place in the order. 

Where the motive is truly for the expansion of Good and the serving of God's Will the candidate is, without exception, accepted because that is the only criterion by which admission is gained. 

Many individuals with small capacity and poor unfoldment but with a good motive have been accepted, whereas others, whose motive is for self-unfoldment or the gain of personal powers, have been rejected, because no good of a permanent nature can come except through selfless service. 

All of the chelas who have been entered into the outer court of the Brotherhood have been placed according to their particular merit, and as you choose to evolve more of the latent powers within your being will you become of more valuable assistance to this very practical, tangible and potent Brotherhood... who is engaged constantly in the interests of mankind's greater Good. 

As you consciously turn your attention to our Brotherhood, or any member in particular, you will find that your belonging to such an Order is to have friends Ascended and unascended that you dream not of, who can greatly accelerate your every endeavor to serve Good. 

Love and Blessings,










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