A Message from the Holy Spirit




THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM, INC.                                                                                                          December 1978


Beloved of My Heart: 

The Fourth Dimension is complete with every Virtue, Power and Activity of the Godhead. It is the Kingdom of Heaven fully and completely expressed. Mankind was sent forth into the Third Dimensional Plane that through every individual all these gifts, powers and activities might be propelled to enrich the Four Realms represented by the four vehicles of man. 

Every man was therefore to become a Radiating Center of God-energy, and the vibratory action of the Radiation from the four lower vehicles was to form the skeleton, so to speak, of force over which these gifts, powers, virtues and manifestations would flow. The only requisite was that the Radiating Centers should be harmoniously qualified energy, and the unlimited wealth of the Universe, spiritual, emotional, mental, etheric and physical was to flow ceaselessly through these wheels of manifestation into the realm of form. 

None of the God Powers or Gifts could flow over energy waves of a discordant vibratory action, and therefore when mankind en masse began to change the rate of vibration of the energy waves of their lower bodies, they could no longer be used as conductors for this rich outpouring from the Heart of God... and one after the other they were shut off from being facets for this expanding activity of life. This, of course, greatly decreased the sum total of good flowing into the Third Dimensional plane, and the glory of the Earthly Kingdom which flowed freely through all mankind was diminished, as each lifestream ceased to be a conscious conductor for the Godly Virtues, gifts and activities... until the lower world was virtually starved as there was no facet through which this outpouring might flow to enrich it. 

For this reason great Avatars and Teachers from time to time have come and used their own lower vehicles as conductors for great Cosmic Currents to flow again into those whose lifestreams had not earned for them the right to conduct the God Gifts into their own experience, that of their environment and surroundings. 

The dark ages in which some of mankind yet live are the result of man's willful choice of radiation, and it is to secure the conscious cooperation of a number of unascended lifestreams that we have come again, hoping that some vehicles might prepare themselves through harmony to be the natural conductors of the God Qualities, even as the tree is the conductor of certain currents that carry oxygen into the air. 

I am grateful to say that you, my dear ones, have chosen to maintain your lower vehicles as facets for the outpouring of the God gifts, and have greatly enriched your environment and strengthened the desire for these God manifestations in those around you and worldwide to a degree. As more and more lifestreams who love the harmony of life more than themselves throughout the world, the Angelic Host, the Cherubim and the Seraphim, who are always desirous of giving assistance, will help to reorient the inner bodies of these people who could become the vanguard in teaching mankind what the silent power of Radiation can do to regulate conditions, to bring peace, healing and opulence. 

In the Spirit of Grace,

"I AM" Ĉolus Cosmic Holy Spirit