Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 27, No. 36                                                                                                              December 3, 1978


Beloved Ones: 

When the Masters of Wisdom begin to cultivate the Light within a chela they give their Life which is the Substance and Energy of their lifestream, into the keeping of the Holy Christ Self of the chela, who has full charge and authority as to how much or how little as given by the Master can be released for the enrichment of the lower vehicles. 

Now, here is a tremendous point, which will show you the result of attending Spiritual Service or engaging in contemplative study of Spiritual Truths... the Holy Christ Self cannot withhold from any part of Life the full blessings which the Masters, the Angels, the Devas and the Gods are sending forth at any time that the personal self is engaged in a search for Truth. 

If the outer self voluntarily places itself, through effort or endeavor, in a place of spiritual worship or in a state of contemplation at home, all the good which is flowing through the Universe at that instant becomes the food of the lower bodies and cannot be restricted or denied. The authority of the Christ Self is relinquished then to the Mercy of the Cosmic Law which feeds the lower bodies without limit during this time. 

However, when the outer self, voluntarily and at will, engages upon any pursuit that is not in accord with the Divine Harmony of the Universe, the Christ Self of that one has full authority to withhold a Blessing which might be sent even from the beloved Lord of the World until the individual comes back to a State of Grace. 

This is a little understood explanation of the Law which shows that even the great masses of orthodox lifestreams who attend religious services open themselves to a great Spiritual visitation by their voluntary entrance into a State of Grace, which really means, yearning toward God's Love. 

The Gifts of the Master are stored in any one of the four lower bodies according to the particular need of the lifestream. The etheric body is rich in this substance because at the time of sleep the individual often, in the etheric body, pursues his spiritual studies and the results of his investigation and his teaching at the Feet of the Masters are stored therein.

The Etheric body can therefore become a teacher in itself of the other vehicles of the self, and in many instances the etheric body's illumination at night radiates through the lower bodies as a certain exhilaration by day... but when the individual has sufficiently developed so that the physical, mental and emotional bodies cooperate in the pursuit of righteousness, they, too, become active receivers of the Gifts of the Gods and they grow much stronger through this reception. The stronger they are, the greater is the opportunity of the Soul to proceed upon the Pathway of Light towards Home. 

Love and Blessings, THE MAHA CHOHAN









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