Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

 Volume 25, No. 51                                                                                                                                     March 20, 1979


Beloved Chelas: 

You are greatly blessed to receive the Love and Radiation of the Mighty Astraea, Divine Complement of the Elohim of Purity, which was released at the Transmission of the Flame Service last evening... 


I am Astraea, the Goddess of Purity, and I am very grateful for this opportunity of being in your midst. 

Like the mighty Goddess of Truth, not too many lifestreams welcome my Presence... but here I am anyway. I think it is a privilege to help my brothers and sisters on this Planet in the purification of their lifestreams so that they may enter into the Christ Consciousness. And I hope that you will welcome my outstretched hand and Heart’s Love. Now let me show you a few ways to further purify your lifestreams... 

You know this is the Lenten Season and in the orthodox world many deprive themselves of certain pleasures they enjoy, be it eating, entertainment and in other manner, to purify themselves to be ready for the Outpouring of Radiation from the Master Jesus on Resurrection Morn. 

Well and good ...any purification that takes place is commendable but once the Radiation of the Easter Season is passed, they go along their merry way - loving what the human wishes to do! 

Now children of the Father-Mother God you use the Violet Flame which is a necessity for the transmutation of the imperfection in yourselves and that of all mankind... glorious Violet Flame... but, how often do you call to the beloved Elohim of Purity and my humble self and ask that we wield the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame to assist you? Oh, once in a while - yes - but you have no idea how I stand "in the wings" waiting for the actors on the stage of life to say "come, come, come with us – help us, show us how to perfect our performance!" 

Will you think of me, particularly during this month - not the individualized God Being Astraea, but the Flame which I have been permitted by the Supreme Source to use for the peoples of this Planet Earth - which can work wonders and so-called marvels for yourselves and for all mankind - if you will just couple the Flame of Purity with the beautiful Violet Flame. You know the Violet Flame, and commendably so and that is why you use It. Learn to love the Flame of Purity! 

You have such an opportunity during this time of Resurrection and it is quite essential that you remember to resurrect the good... and you can do that easily if you use the Violet Transmuting Flame and the Flame of Purity. Two great gifts from the Father-Mother God! 

When you need repairs to a car when something goes wrong, you go to or send for a mechanic who can give you assistance - one who is well qualified to fix the motor or whatever it is. How about coming to the Goddess of Purity, whom I assure you is well qualified to help you? 

Now I do not intend to have you think I am chastising you... I am not... I am sending the loving Radiation of Purity through you and through all upon this Planet Earth... but those who know what I am endeavoring to do and are conscious of the activity and using it, their reward in this service will be great. 

You see a little child and you think of the purity of that blessed one who has not come to the age when their etheric records manifest in an unpleasant manner... you think of a newborn lamb or a kitten, so beautiful... and think of the little birds and see them opening their mouths for their mother to feed them... well, I come in the capacity of a mother to feed you, my dear children. Try, try, try, we mention so often... we counsel you to TRY! 

This is a magnificent season, when that Resurrection Flame is blazing in great in­tensity... step into it... let it course through your beings and clear away all sub­stance that is less than Christ Perfection. Is it too much to ask that you visualize the Violet Transmuting Flame and the glorious Flame of Purity blazing through you? You would go to a spa, if that was your inclination, to restore your physical body. You have the greatest tool presented to you in the combined Flames of Purity and Transmuta­tion! And oh how I long to help you - to take you by the hand and say "Be ready on Easter Morn to present a beautiful gift to our glorious exponent, the exemplar of the Christ Consciousness, the Master Jesus! Again I counsel you, TRY. Because every time when the children of Earth move forward in the Light and become part of the Christ Consciousness think how that feeling wells within the Heart of our blessed Jesus... and in his great capacity of Micah, Angel of Unity, he sees that the Radiation of the Christ is falling on fertile ground. 

I hope you will understand why I am so positive this evening - the reason... I love you - I love all life - and when one loves enough he wants all to share in the ecstasy of dwelling in the Consciousness of the Gods. 

Now I turn your attention specifically to the magnificent Temple of Resurrection, you know the Activity, so I shall not repeat it. Over that Temple is a tremendous amphitheater and it looks like a beautiful Spring Garden... you know that spring brings hope to mankind and I have asked for, and been given permission, to establish my lum­inous Presence in that amphitheater all during this month. And if you care to have further assistance, come to that beautiful amphitheater and say "Astraea, I love you - I await your assistance" and you will be rewarded, as I said before in great measure. 

And now children when the Flame goes around the Earth this evening, It will be com­posed of tiny lilies representative of the Resurrection, and traveling with the Flame will be the Angels of Transmutation and the Angels of Purity spreading all over this Planet the beautiful Essence of the combined Flames of Purity, of Transmutation and of Resurrection. 

Thank you for your kind attention... God bless you, each one." 

Love and Blessings,








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