Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 25, No. 46                                                                                                                    February 13, 1977


Blessed Chelas

All the experiences that lifestreams pass thru are but the interchange of energy drawn forth consciously or unconsciously by individuals and directed into the energy of other people. Thus, individuals are constantly passing back and forth their life, or rather God's Life, clothed by them according to their individual ideas and presented to the world of men either to enrich or impoverish the whole Brotherhood of unascended beings. 

No man, woman or child, for that matter, lives unto himself or herself, because each one is sending forth life energy which affects the entire human race for good or for evil. This life, belonging to God and loaned to us only to increase the good of the Universe, cannot be sent forth qualified inharmoniously without having its effect upon the conscious or unconscious individuals who draw that life from the bosom of the Father-Mother God. 

When we become conscious of the work of the Supreme Source and of the great hunger in the hearts of the people everywhere for Peace and Spiritual Understanding, and well-being, we must more than ever spread our table with those gifts of Strength, Peace, under­standing, Love and Light CHARGED with our qualification of the God Energy that, while we walk along our appointed Pathway the hungry souls of men might feed on those Divine Qualities and secure the necessary nourishment to sustain them in their soul-search un­til they find the Pathway Home. 

Every conscious chela of the Spiritual Brotherhood is required by Cosmic Law to spread his Light as Spiritual Food for the souls of men yet unawakened, because it is in this manner that the masses are sustained until the hour that their attention rises up and draws their own Spiritual enrichment from the Heart of God. 

Remember in your daily living - that the very Light passing from your body can be such spiritual food for the hungry that it is carried far and wide by invisible Helpers who plant those thoughts and feelings of good-will, strength and courage in the hearts and minds of men, ofttimes entirely across the Earth where the requirement is greatest. Sometimes these invisible helpers have not enough of these spiritual thoughts and feelings to feed great numbers of distracted souls who are in need of this spiritual strength, and when this is the case, the chelas are held responsible before the Cosmic Law for their neglect or carelessness in the quality of their emanations. 

Think this thru, beloved ones, and determine that your radiation will always be a benediction upon all life... in this way your consciousness will give food to the hungry and drink to the thirsty.

Love and Blessings,





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