Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 25, No. 26                                                                                                                                          Sept. 26, 1976


Blessed Chelas:

With this release we present excerpts from the address of beloved El Morya and the Master Jesus on the concluding day of the Summer Conference... 

Beloved El Morya

"Beloved Gautama wishes me to tell you that on every page has been written ACCOMPLISHED - and he knows from the Radiation flowing forth, that at the end of this Class, the Angel shall write ACCOMPLISHED on Sunday's Class. Do you know what that means to all of us! 

We have these Conferences once a year - at the present time - when we have the dedicated chelas who are willing to expand their energy in concert. And to get a group of people who are harmonious enough, not to disturb the energy which is flowing forth, we can accomplish - and we did this week - accomplish miracles which will in the not too distant future become evident to you, in your personal lives in the lives of all the peoples of this planet, in particular these United States. 

I have something to tell you that I believe will make you very happy... MASTER JESUS speaks:..

Blessed ones, how I love you. Will you please be seated? How could I stay away from this gathering when your attention has been centered upon my Presence all week. I have been able through my Legions of Light and other Members of the Hierarchy to carry the message of Jesus all over the planet. My Angelic Legions have been able to touch the hearts of the many, reminding them of Unity with the God Self. Many a heart has been inspired to say a prayer, an extra prayer, when this glorious feeling came upon them - the Blessing of the Christ within. 

I urge you, I counsel you each one to study the little book which is available to you "I AM" THE WAY. Remember not Jesus, not Morya, not Micah, but "I AM" the God within each one. You will find that out in greater extent as you go along the Way. 

The Angelic Host have been present at every Class and during the singing yesterday, I am sure on two occasions you must have heard the overtones of their voices. 

The energy was so beautiful, the feeling so wonderful, that they dipped into the reservoir of Harmony and sang with you, and then sped off all over the planet giving a Benediction to Life." 

Dear Ones: I counsel you to review the excerpts which have been given in these recent releases so that you will be able to sustain for a longer period the Glorious Blessings which have been showered upon you. Remember that where your attention is, there you are!

Love and Blessings,







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