Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 25, No. 31                                                                                                                                 Oct. 31, 1976


Beloved Chelas: 

To describe to you the aura of any Ascended Being one would have to use words and language not yet familiar to the human race. First, you have the idea or manifestation and then mankind evolves a necessary word to describe it. But man has not yet had cause to draw into his vocabulary worded expression which will cover those experiences of Divine Perfection yet unknown to him. We are thus limited in our endeavor to convey through words the glory of the Fourth Dimensional Sphere. 

The aura of an Ascended Being, however, accompanies him wherever he moves throughout the Universal Scheme of Creation. Every Ascended Being draws from the Great Central Sun countless billions of electronic particles. These take on the quality and consciousness of that Ascended Being and flow into his ever-increasing Radiation, forming a more and more glorious expression of the Perfection of Life. Every Ascended Being is thus enfolded in countless millions of flaming electrons. 

When an unascended being calls for the assistance, the radiation, or the feeling, or the Presence of such an Ascended Being, the Ascended Master brings not only his personal Presence but his tremendous spiritual aura, which like a Cosmic Rainbow of the greatest intensity, and of tremendous circumference, blankets the entire location in the spiritual influence of those mighty Flames and Rays. The inner bodies of all people and nature itself are suffused in that Light. Thus any unascended being's home dedicated to the Ascended Masters, loving them, and forming a connection with them through thought, feeling, spoken word, brings into his country, his nation, or his people an influence that is a permanent Power for Good, and which will carry those souls into the Heart of their own Presence much sooner than the ordinary course of their evolution would allow had they not been so visited by the Spiritual Radiation of the Masters. Such souls may incarnate again and again, but always they will carry the permanent imprint of the Spiritual Impetus which such an outpouring always brings. 

Thus people fortunate enough to live in and around the locality of a Sanctuary or Retreat little realize that they are the greatest beneficiaries of an unseen force that carries them Godward in a manner astounding to their outer minds, and this is so in a lesser degree with those surrounding the homes and personal environments of a conscious chela, who is always under the grace and the outpouring of the Master Presence. 

Remember always your own ability to invoke and transform any environment and any set of lifestreams permanently by your call to the Omnipotent God Power.

Love and Blessings,